Much of the detailed data on culture and leisure industries which we highlight in this newsletter is collected and published as part of the ABS Service Industries Statistics (SIS) program. On the ABS web site there is now a theme page which contains information on the SIS program, products and services. The theme page includes information on the following industries:
Wholesale Trade
Retail Trade
Accommodation, Cafes and Restaurants
Transport and Storage
Property and Business Services
Health and Community Services
Cultural and Recreational Services
Personal and Other Services
Up-to-date information on the latest publications, publications coming soon and the rolling program of SIS collections is available from that theme page.
The theme page will be updated progressively as new publications are released. To access the theme page click on Service Industry Statistics or go to www.abs.gov.au and click on themes in the menu on the left hand side of the screen. Then click on Service Industries Statistics under the Industry heading.
For further information contact Sandra Hine on (02) 6252 6532 or sandra.hine@abs.gov.au