In commemoration of the contribution made by Mr Ken Foreman to the ABS over many years, the Australian Statistician agreed to institute an annual award for an officer of the Methodology Division who is performing at a high level, and is showing the potential for substantial further development as a methodologist in the ABS, and the ability to make a significant contribution within the ABS. The award comprises an overseas trip to an international conference or short training course.
The 2000 Ken Foreman Award has been awarded to Kristen Northwood of the Analytical Services Branch. In receiving the award, it is proposed that Kristen attend the 2001 Siena Summer School on Social Statistics, visit Statistics Netherlands with a view to discussing their System of Economic and Social Accounting Matrices and Extensions and visit both Statistics Canada and the United States Bureau of the Census to discuss related analytical projects.
Kristen graduated from the Australian National University with Bachelor of Economics and Bachelor of Science degrees. She first joined the ABS in 1996, and joined Methodology Division in September 1998, having transferred from the Census Evaluation area in Population Surveys Group. She worked in Analytical Services until the end of 1999, her major contributions being on the longitudinal analysis of the Growth and Performance Survey (GAPS) data set, and the creation of experimental output measures for the Justice sector. She then joined the newly-created Analysis Branch in January 2000, where she has completed the Justice output measurement project, and commenced work on extending and refining estimates of Australian household wealth.
Previous recipients of the award have been:
- 1996 Robert Clark - Strong technical contribution in his work as demonstrated in the Labour Force Survey redesign.
- 1997 Steven Kennedy - Demonstration of good technical knowledge and skills, as well as the willingness to further develop his skills through formal study, and in the course of his work. Part of a team responsible for undertaking a significant part of the productivity analysis project. Has represented the ABS and its methodological interests and helped build some useful networks with others who were conducting research in the area.
- 1998 Dina Neiger - Contribution to developing the methodology for business collections, particularly through the review of the sample and frame maintenance procedures (SFMP).
- 1999 Richard McKenzie - Strong contribution to the development of the methods used in the Labour Cost Index and playing a lead role in the development and implementation of a novel 'rotating panel' method of selecting the sample for the Labour Cost Index. Has also worked on significance editing and significance follow up.
For further information on the Ken Foreman Award, please contact Bill Allen on (02) 6252 6302.