The 1998 Directory of Transport Statistics (Cat no. 1132.0) is available in hardcopy and on the ABS StatSite. This issue expands the number of organisations and statistics indexed and contains information on ABS and non-ABS transport and related statistics. A description of collections and their data content is provided and a range of indexes allow quick reference by data source and subject. The directory on the ABS StatSite will be continually updated and entries will be linked to other Web Sites. For more information contact Richard Scutter on (02) 6252 6011 or richard.scutter@abs.gov.au
TranStats is a new electronic product that presents detailed information from the annual Motor Vehicle Census and monthly New Motor Vehicle Registrations collection. It is scheduled for release in mid March. TranStats (Cat no. 9312.0.30.001) will be available on CDROM and is capable of producing a large variety of vehicle statistics for all vehicles registered in Australia for a range of geographic classifications. An optional mapping module is available. The product is expected to be released annually, coinciding with the release of the Motor Vehicle Census, Australia (Cat no. 9309.0). Contact Andrew Gibbs on (02) 6252 6992 or andrew.gibbs@abs.gov.au for more information.