In 2005-06 there were 2,347,126 taxpayers in Victoria, with a mean taxable income of $46,488. They paid an average tax of $11,332. Based on the estimated resident population (ERP) at 30 June 2006, the LGAs of Port Phillip (54.6%), Stonnington (54.1%), Boroondara and Nillumbik (both 52.8%) had the largest percentage of residents who were taxpayers in 2005-06. The lowest proportions of taxpayers were in the LGAs of Central Goldfields, Loddon (both 35.3%) and Pyrenees (36.5%).
The highest mean taxable incomes were in the LGAs of Stonnington ($83,245), Bayside ($74,713) and Boroondara ($72,934), all within the Melbourne Statistical Division (MSD). Consistent with the highest mean taxable incomes, taxpayers in Stonnington ($27,379), Bayside ($23,348) and Boroondara ($22,689) also had the highest mean net tax.
By contrast, the lowest mean taxable incomes were outside the MSD, in the LGAs of Buloke ($34,000), Loddon (34,118) and Central Goldfields ($34,403). Taxpayers in these three LGAs also had the smallest mean net tax - $6,286, $6,500 and $6,523 respectively.
View underlying table as an Excel spreadsheet: 1367.2 Mean Taxable Income, By Local Government Area—2005-06 (file size 58kB).