Soon to be released: New Census Working Papers
Census Working Papers are designed to assess and report on various aspects of census data quality. Many of the Census Working Papers are already available The Review of Enumeration of Indigenous Peoples is now available via the ABS web site free of charge. This working paper provides an evaluation of the effectiveness of implementing the 1996 Indigenous Enumeration Strategy. The focus is on how the 1996 strategy worked at the National and State/Territory levels.
Recommendations from the Review of Enumeration of Indigenous Peoples include:
- continuation of the broad public relations strategy adopted in 1996 with strengthening in the use of local media and resources to make census communications effective in local situations,
- continuation of interviewing with special forms adapted for use in traditional communities and conducted by suitable members of each community wherever possible.
- extension of interviewing with the special forms to all communities (whether urban, rural or remote), where appropriate, to overcome cultural and/or literacy barriers to effective enumeration.
The following three Census Working Papers are expected to be released early in 2000.
The Occupation Working Paper provides an assessment of the quality of occupation data from the 1996 Census. The paper compares data from the 1996 Census to the August 1996 Labour Force Survey occupation data. The evaluation of the data quality may lead to some changes for the 2001 Census.
The 1996 Census Industry of Employment Data Quality Working Paper contains:
- information about the question design of the industry of employment questions,
- a description of industry coding procedures used in the 1996 Census,
- a description of the quality management system used at the Data Processing Centre and how this was applied to industry coding,
- an analysis of the most frequently miscoded industries,
- a data comparison between 1996 Census industry of employment data and August 1996 Labour Force Survey industry of employment data, and
- a description of 2001 Census industry coding procedures.
The Income Working Paper aims to provide a brief assessment of the quality of the data obtained from the income question in the 1996 Census. This paper also examines the changes to the question design implemented in the 1996 Census.
To obtain your copy of these working papers, Click here to access them online.