From the Editor
I am delighted to introduce a new look to the print version of the LEP Newsletter. As well as the new design and colours we have also introduced a new Shortcuts feature which will give brief tips on using ABS web pages or CLIB or on many other topics of interest to LEP libraries.
This issue features the eLEP service, which gives subscribers free access to much more ABS information than is available from the LEP Core Lists. If your library has not yet subscribed, find out more on the LEP page.
Lastly thank you to all those libraries who responded to our emailed CLIB Installation Survey in April and May. Recently I emailed a 'progress report' on development of the re-release of the run-off-the-ROM version of CLIB. Please contact the Census Help Line on 1800 676 646 for further information.
Kim Farley-Larmour
LEP National Manager