The medium of the world wide web provides more opportunities than print to present information. The ABS, along with other national statistical bureaux, has been investigating how to take advantage of these opportunities.
The ABS has recently released an interactive and animated population pyramid on its web site.
This pyramid illustrates the changing age structure of Australia's population from 1971 to 2050.
In addition to showing the changing population structure, viewers can find out more detail about particular age groups (for any of the 80 years) by moving their mouse over the pyramid.
This population pyramid allows people to understand patterns in large quantities of numbers (24,000 in this case) with relative ease.
I recommend that you have a look at the pyramid - I think you will find the information fascinating, and easy to understand. It can be found under Australia's Population on the ABS web site home page.
If you would like to provide your feedback on the ABS web site or for more information please contact me at
Mano Georgopoulos
ABS Statistical Publishing Department