Welcome to this issue of the LEP Newsletter, coming to you early to help you celebrate Library and Information Week.
The ABS is a major sponsor for LIW 2006. As a librarian, I’m proud to be part of an organisation that values and supports the important information literacy role played by library staff.
We feature the Census in this issue, giving you information and ideas to keep you and your users informed about the 2006 Census to be held on 8 August. If you asked us for an ABS LIW kit, you'll find a range of Census promotional material. Tell us how you used the kit to promote ABS information.
Have you noticed that the ABS web site now uses Google? NetNews on this page summarises recent web site improvements and foreshadows future changes. Let us know what you think about the changes and how we can further improve your ABS web site visits.
Enjoy LIW!
Pat Stracey
LEP National Manager (Acting)