The Methodology Division (MD) has taken an active role in the preparation for the upcoming International Statistical Institute (ISI) conference in April 5th to 12th in Sydney, 2005.
The Local Organising Committee consists of Geoff Lee (Chair), Paul Sutcliffe, Anna Poskitt and Craig McLaren. Assistance has been provided by many other MD volunteers. The final program for the ISI session will include over 200 meetings, 1000 talks and over 1800 participants.
Presentations at the ISI session and its associated meetings and short courses will cover all significant areas of statistics. Special theme days, with cutting edge presentations and papers, are being organised for those with interests in finance and statistics, environmental statistics and genomics. Highlights of the session include talks by renowned mathematical biologist Lord Robert May and econometrician and Nobel Laurete, Sir Clive Granger.
A significant number of staff (over 80) from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) will be attending where 60 of these are staff from the MD. Talks by MD staff will cover a wide range of topics. Particular highlights include Invited Paper Meeting presentations by Philip Bell on using composite estimation to measure the impact of changes to a survey vehicle and Daniel Elazar on Use of Small Area Estimates in the Provision of Disability Services in Australia. There will be talks in Special Topic Contributed Meetings by: Keith Farwell on Significance Editing for a Variety of Survey Situations; Paul Sutcliffe on A General Approach to Editing; Mark Zhang on Trading Day Effect Estimation for Quarterly Time Series and Jon Hall on Measures of Australia's Progress. Other talks from MD participants will cover topics such as: confidentiality, time series issues, survey design, quality, and analysis of analytical output. Several short courses will also be held in conjunction with the ISI session. Craig McLaren and Prof. David Steel (University of Wollongong) are jointly running a short course on Design and Analysis of Repeated Surveys.
This will be the second time that the ISI session has been held in Australia. It was last held in Sydney in 1967. The ABS is the host organiser of the session. We look forward to seeing you at the ISI in Sydney from April 5th to 12th, 2005!
For more information, please contact, Anna Poskitt on (02) 6252 7954.