30-31 March 2006 - Australian Financial Review's Housing Congress: Developing a framework to meet the housing needs of the future, Avillion Hotel, Sydney. This conference programme analyses Australia's changing demographics and how these are impacting the relationship between current housing supply and demand.
Further information:www.informa.com.au
3- 5 May 2006 - Aged and Community Services Australia (ACSA) 1st National Community Care Conference: Riding the Wave of the Future, Darling Harbour, Sydney. Aged and Community Services Australia (ACSA) is organising this first National Conference to cover the full spectrum of community care - in ageing and disability. The theme 'Riding the Wave of the Future'represents the excitement, the unexpected, the fun and the challenges of community care.
As a nation, how can Australia ride the community care wave of the future? What do community care users want from services now and in the future? How can service providers position themselves and plan for the future. Each day of the conference will look at different ways and ideas of 'Riding the Wave of the Future'.
Further information: www.agedcare.org.au
30 May - 2 June 2006 - The International Federation on Ageing (IFA) 8th Global Conference Global Ageing: the North-South Challenge, Copenhagen, Denmark.
This International Federation on Ageing 8th Global Conference is aimed at highlighting ageing as a truly global issue of demographically staggering dimensions, and will involve and engage key stakeholders in meeting the challenges of global ageing in all countries ie not only those countries experiencing a demographic quake. This biennial conference will confront the ' threat' perspective which is often ascribed to the issue of an ageing population particularly in countries where resources are scare and infrastructures are weak.
Globally the IFA are working towards changing attitudes and creating a world where older people have a right to a good quality of life and are accepted and welcomed as worthwhile and active members of our communities. Global efforts are required to initiate, facilitate and strengthen commitments on successful ageing across the world.
Further information:www.global-ageing.dk