2001 Census data on Indigenous Australians
The complete set of Indigenous Profile (IP) tables, incorporating the additional 17 tables from second release, are also now available. These tables contain detailed census data for Indigenous people and where possible, provide comparisons with the non-Indigenous population. The data is based on where people were counted on Census night. IP tables for Indigenous Areas, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission Regions, States/ Territories and Australia are available, free of charge from the ABS web site.
Indigenous Profiles for other areas are also available for purchase from the ABS web site.
More information on these profiles can be found in the free booklet "Making the Most of Your Census". Call 1800 813 939 to receive your copy.
A profile of Indigenous Australians
The Australian Indigenous Geographical Classification - Maps and Census Profiles 2001 is a new addition to the 2001 Census product range.
This CD-ROM gives you quick and easy access to the Indigenous Profiles for the Indigenous Geographical Classification structure used in the collection of the 2001 Census.
The product contains:
- Maps - for the geographic areas of ATSIC Region, Indigenous Areas, Indigenous Locations
- Indigenous Profiles - for the geographic levels of ATSIC Region and Indigenous Areas
It provides a visual representation of the geographic levels and easy access to corresponding Indigenous
Profiles for the ATSIC Region or Indigenous Area.
Priced at $65, this is a "must-have" reference tool for anyone who is interested in data on Indigenous Australians.
For more information on the Australian Indigenous Geographical Classification (cat. no. 4706.0.30.001) phone the National Information and Referral service on 1300 135 070.