Latest Fertility rates for NSW regions
The ABS recently released a special article on fertility trends and patterns in NSW. Some of the trends are described below.
During the baby boom (1946–1965) the NSW total fertility rate (TFR) varied from 2.94 births per woman in 1947 to 3.31 in 1961. After 1961 it declined to the 1979 level of 1.91 births per woman. Since then it has been slowly declining to around the current level of 1.8 births per woman. However, the decline appears to have halted, with the preliminary 2004–05 TFR for NSW of 1.84 being the highest since 1995.
The trend towards postponement of births is reflected in an increasing median age of mother at confinement. In NSW, the median age of mother in 2004 was 30.6 years, an increase of 4.6 years from the median age in 1975.
Fertility is not consistent across all parts of NSW. In 2004, the Sydney region was characterised by low overall fertility in comparison to the higher fertility Non-Urban Remainder. However, while fertility in Sydney is lower than in other regions, inner city Statistical Local Areas tend to have the lowest fertility while those with higher fertility are generally on the suburban fringe. For more detailed information you can find this article in the ABS publication Demography NSW, 2004 (cat. no. 3311.1.55.001) which can be accessed from the ABS web site.
For further information contact Alan Jenner on (02) 9268 4113, email