New and forthcoming releases
These titles are a selection of what the ABS is currently releasing this quarter. They are available free on the ABS web site. Keep up to date by subscribing to the free Email Notification Service or to ABS RSS.
Australian Economic Indicators (Cat. no 1350.0). This is an LEP flagship title and is a one stop shop for economic information including labour force and demography, national accounts, international accounts, consumption and investment, production, process, incomes and labour costs financial markets, state and international comparisons. Next release 13 March 2006.
National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Survey: Australia (Cat. no 4715.0.55.005). A useful reference tool on topics that measure health status, health actions taken, and lifestyle factors which may influence health. Next release date 13 March 2006.
Job Vacancies, Australia (Cat. no 6354.0)
Contains estimates of the number of job vacancies with state and territory and industry dissections. Released 11 January 2006.
Tourist Accommodation, Small Area Data, Australia (Cat. no 8635.0.55.002). Results from the on-going quarterly Survey of Tourist Accommodation for Australia. Released 10 January 2006.