Census Maps
Two sets of reference maps were produced for the 2001 Census. They may assist users identify relevant features and areas, and to get more out of their census data. These maps display 2001 Census Collection Districts (CDs) and Statistical Local Areas (SLAs).
Collection District Maps
These are the same maps as those used by Census Collectors during the collection phase of the 2001 Census. Each Collection District Map shows the boundaries of a single CD. In addition to the boundary of the CD, these full colour maps show roads, rivers, railways, powerlines and cadastral (land parcel) boundaries. These features give the CD context and show how its boundaries have been defined. Some boundary detail for surrounding Statistical Local Areas and CDs is also included.
Statistical Local Area Maps
These maps show the boundaries of CDs contained within a given SLA. The name and the code of the SLA are included, along with the codes of the CDs. Some topographic detail is included, such as major roads, rivers and other significant features. For each SLA, there is a single overview map showing the whole SLA. For some SLAs, there are also additional sheets showing enlargements of particular areas.
The majority of maps are printed on a single A3 page but a small number are printed on an A2 page. Some maps comprise more than one page.
Maps for all 37,209 CDs and 1,353 SLAs are available to order online at www.abs.gov.au/census. Just click on Census Maps. If you are ordering a large number of maps, it may be more cost effective to place your order through the ABS National Information and Referral Service. Contact 1300 135 070 or email client.services@abs.gov.au.
The entire set of SLA Maps is also available on CD-ROM, in Statistical Local Area Maps, ASGC 2001 Edition (cat. no. 2920.0.30.001). This product was provided free of charge to LEP-eligible libraries along with CLIB 2001, and is also available to purchase.
Information for CDATA 2001 Users
If you are a regular user of CDATA 2001, have you considered upgrading to Detailed Base Map?
The standard CDATA 2001 package contains Standard Base Map Data. Detailed Base Map data adds greatly to the value of CDATA 2001 and allows much more detailed and meaningful analysis by mapping airports, railway stations, schools, churches, hospitals, libraries, rivers and lakes, parks and much more. Compiled by MapInfo Australia from a variety of sources including PSMA Australia, administrative data and their own field surveys, the Detailed Base Map also contains an accurate depiction of the national road network at the time of the 2001 Census.
Call 1800 813 939 for more information.