Wow, what a busy year! Free publications on the web, a Census year, new-look web site...and the LEP has been busy keeping you up-to-date with all of these changes. Last issue we also surveyed our readers to determine the effectiveness of this newsletter, and the results suggest it is time for a change of format and delivery. Next year we will be investigating new and timely ways of communicating the very latest ABS news to our clients.
What's in this issue? Mano has written about a couple of interesting developments in ABS web site functionality. While these might seem minor changes, they reflect the ABS continual commitment to improving web site access and usability.
And speaking of access, one of the growing areas of web development is in preserving the past. The ABS has a number of projects in progress to digitise historical publications. Expect to see a digitised version of the very first ABS Year Book from 1901 appearing on the web site soon.
Regional data fans will be happy to see an improved National Regional Profile section which now allows you to compare different regions and provides the user with sophisticated control over the data displayed, located in the 'Shortcuts' section.
Have a safe and enjoyable end-of-year celebration, and we look forward to working with you in 2007.
Michael Janssen-Gibson
LEP National Manager