2520 Petroleum and Coal Product Manufacturing n.e.c.
This Class consists of units mainly engaged in manufacturing petroleum or coal products n.e.c., including bituminous surfacing materials (except hot-mix bituminous paving), bitumen or tar treated papers, felts or foils bituminous mastics or adhesives, or refined tar. This Class also includes units mainly engaged in the recovery of lubricating oil or grease from used petroleum waste products.
Exclusions / References
Units mainly engaged in manufacturing or laying hot-mix bitumen paving are included in Class 4121 Road and Bridge Construction.
Primary Activities
Adhesive, bituminous, mfg; Char mfg (except bone char); Coal product mfg n.e.c.; Emulsion, bituminous, mfg; Mastic, bituminous, mfg; Paper or paperboard, bituminized, mfg; Paving material, mfg (except hot-mix); Petroleum oil blending; Petroleum product mfg n.e.c.; Pitch mfg; Recovery of lubricating oil or grease from used petroleum waste products; Roofing, bitumen or asphalt, mfg; Tar, refined, mfg