PRINTING TRADESPERSONS compose and set type prior to printing, set up and operate printing presses, bind and finish printed products, or prepare stencils and operate screen printers.
Most occupations in this minor group have a level of skill commensurate with an AQF Certificate III or higher qualification. In some instances relevant experience is required in addition to the formal qualification.
Tasks performed by Printing Tradespersons typically include operating photographic, plate making and computer screen based equipment to reproduce camera ready copy on to films, images from film to printing plates and to transfer copy to film and produce film for plate or cylinder productions; setting up, operating and monitoring machines used in typesetting, photographing copy, printing and cutting, folding, collating and binding printed material; performing routine finishing operations and machine maintenance; and preparing stencils and operating screen printers.
Occupations in this minor group are classified into the following unit groups: