3112-15 Life Science Technical Officer
Identifies and collects living organisms and conducts field and laboratory studies in support of life scientists.
Skill Level:
The entry requirement for this occupation is an AQF Diploma or higher qualification or at least 3 years relevant experience. In some instances relevant experience is required in addition to the formal qualification.
Tasks Include:
- isolates, identifies and collects living organisms and maintains collections of specimens
- conducts field and laboratory studies of life forms
- observes living organisms to study appearance, behaviour and life cycles
- conducts experiments and observes their results, to detail the reactions of living organisms to stimuli such as light and temperature, and the effect of environment, nutrition and chemical agents
- prepares specimens for microscopic observation by freezing, dehydrating, smearing, slicing and staining material and mounting it on glass slides
- may use irradiation and radioactive isotopes and trace elements to conduct experiments
- may assist in research into genetic engineering
Biological Technical Officer
Botanical Technical Officer
Ecological Technical Officer
Environmental Technical Officer
Fisheries Technical Officer
Forestry Technical Officer
Wood Technologist
Zoology Technical Officer