In 2002-03 the transport and storage industry had 34,275 employing operating businesses (table 22.4). These businesses generated $65,813 million (m) in goods and services sales, and had a net worth of $37,040m. Capital expenditure for the period was $6,966m. Road transport had the highest number of employing operating businesses (25,074).
22.4 TRANSPORT AND STORAGE INDUSTRY, Selected indicators(a) - 2002-03
 | Number of operating businesses | Sales of goods and services | Net worth | Capital expenditure |
Industry subdivision | no. | $m | $m | $m |
Road transport | 25,074 | 21,486 | 4,349 | 1,586 |
Rail transport | 73 | n.p. | n.p. | n.p. |
Water transport | 1,019 | 2,763 | 833 | 203 |
Air and space transport | 632 | n.p. | n.p. | n.p. |
Other transport | 546 | n.p. | n.p. | n.p. |
Services to transport | 6,041 | 19,537 | 17,238 | 1,270 |
Storage | 890 | 3,719 | 2,832 | 296 |
Total | 34,275 | 65,813 | 37,040 | 6,966 |
(a) Excludes non-employing businesses.
Source: Australian Industry: Summary of Industry Performance, Australia (8155.0.55.002). |
Wages and salaries for the transport and storage industry in 2002-03 were $15,444m. Total income was $81,203m, total expenses $76,655m, while operating profit before tax was $4,551m (table 22.5). Road transport was the largest component, with 35% of the industry's total income, 35% of wages and salaries in the industry, and 50% of operating profit before tax.
22.5 TRANSPORT AND STORAGE INDUSTRY, Industry performance - 2002-03
 |  | Industry subdivision |
 |  |
Selected indicators | Units | Road
transport | Rail
transport | Water
transport | Air and space transport | Other
transport | Services to transport | Storage | Total |
Wages and salaries(a) | $m | 5,477 | 2,116 | 421 | 2,566 | 135 | 3,937 | 792 | 15,444 |
Total income | $m | 28,236 | 7,542 | 3,396 | 13,352 | 1,677 | 23,022 | 3,979 | 81,203 |
Total expenses | $m | 25,985 | 7,214 | 3,227 | 12,705 | 1,458 | 22,365 | 3,702 | 76,655 |
Operating profit before tax | $m | 2,276 | 307 | *163 | 704 | *220 | *653 | *228 | 4,551 |
(a) Includes capitalised wages and salaries; excludes the drawings of working proprietors.
Source: Australian Industry, 2001-02 and 2002-03 (8155.0). |