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Census Collectors are now returning to pick up completed Census forms after the national head count on Tuesday.
Collectors will knock on your door to personally pick-up your completed Census form. The bulk of collecting will start this weekend and Collectors will be working evenings and weekends until 28th August.
People should not leave completed Census forms under their doormats or drop them off at ABS Offices. To ensure your personal details are secure, completed forms should never be left out in the open.
According the Australian Bureau of Statistics ACT Regional Director, Karen Vitullo people can help their Census Collector by filling out their Census as soon as possible.
"If you haven't done so already, please fill in your Census forms soon as you can," said Karen.
"You should complete your form for the details of your households on Census Night - Tuesday 8th August.
"Census Collectors will briefly scan the first few pages of your form when they pick it up. They are not reading your personal details, but are simply checking if you need any assistance completing your Census.
"Those people who do not have a form can request one by email at, or by calling the Census Inquiry Service on 1300 362 883, and providing the ABS with a relevant residential address.
"The support of the Census from the public has been enormous, and we thank everyone for making their community count. Census information is used for such things as the planning of education, health and transportation services."
People who have inquiries can call the Census Inquiry Service on 1300 362 883. There is also a Telephone Typewriter facility to assist people with hearing impairments on 1300 364 365.
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