3.1 Private Free-standing Day Hospital Facilities, Summary - Selected years(a) |
 |  | 1998-99 | 2003-04 | 2004-05 | 2005-06 | 2006-07 | 2007-08(a) | 2008-09 |
Hospitals (no.) |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 | New South Wales | 83 | 93 | 96 | 93 | 90 | na | 91 |
 | Victoria | 41 | 54 | 61 | 63 | 73 | na | 75 |
 | Queensland | 30 | 46 | 48 | 52 | 52 | na | 52 |
 | South Australia | 15 | 22 | 22 | 25 | 24 | na | 24 |
 | Western Australia | 11 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 17 | na | 29 |
 | Tasmania, Northern Territory & ACT(b) | 10 | 8 | 8 | 10 | 12 | na | 14 |
 | Australia | 190 | 234 | 247 | 256 | 268 | na | 285 |
Hospitals by type (no.)(c) |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 | General surgery | 33 | 13 | 19 | 17 | 15 | na | 14 |
 | Specialist endoscopy | 50 | 75 | 70 | 71 | 76 | na | 74 |
 | Ophthalmic | 33 | 51 | 53 | 57 | 57 | na | 61 |
 | Plastic/cosmetic | - | 27 | 32 | 33 | 28 | na | 34 |
 | Other(d) | 74 | 68 | 73 | 78 | 92 | na | 102 |
 | Total | 190 | 234 | 247 | 256 | 268 | na | 285 |
Beds/chairs (no.)(e) | 1 460 | 1 947 | 2 078 | 2 114 | 2 251 | na | 2 495 |
Separations ('000) | 302.1 | 505.6 | 537.5 | 579.9 | 631.3 | na | 765.3 |
Operating theatres (no.)(f) | 180 | 220 | 231 | 245 | 264 | na | 280 |
Procedure rooms (no.)(f) | 162 | 178 | 193 | 200 | 205 | na | 235 |
Staff (no.)(g) | 1 319 | 2 038 | 2 086 | 2 231 | 2 385 | na | 2 700 |
Income |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 | Total ($'000) | 161 400 | 340 730 | 375 567 | 410 036 | 456 937 | na | 628 594 |
 | Patient revenue (%)(h) | 95.5 | 94.7 | 95.6 | 95.9 | 96.3 | na | 96.9 |
Expenditure(i) |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 | Total ($'000) | 137 480 | 282 401 | 305 251 | 338 421 | 384 986 | na | 505 431 |
 | Wages and salaries including on-costs (%) | 41.5 | 39.2 | 39.3 | 39.1 | 40.2 | na | 39.6 |
 | Per separation ($) | 455 | 559 | 568 | 584 | 610 | na | 660 |
Gross capital expenditure ($'000)(j) | 21 628 | 21 695 | 22 382 | 17 235 | 35 225 | na | 48 301 |
- nil or rounded to zero (including null cells) |
na not available |
(a) Data for the 2007-08 reference year are not available. See Explanatory Notes 4-5 and 38 for further information. |
(b) Tasmania, the Northern Territory and the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) have been aggregated to protect the confidentiality of the small number of hospitals in these states/territories. |
(c) See Explanatory Note 22 for further detail on categories. |
(d) Including fertility and sleep disorders clinics. |
(e) Available beds/chairs (average for the year). |
(f) Details are for the last week of the pay period ending on or before 30 June 2009. |
(g) Full-time equivalent (average for the year). Full-time equivalent represents the sum of full-time staff and full-time equivalent of part-time staff. See Glossary for further information. |
(h) Includes revenue received by, and due to, the hospital in respect of patient liability for accommodation and other fees. See Glossary for more information. |
(i) Recurrent expenditure refers to expenditure on goods and services, which does not result in the creation or acquisition of fixed assets (new or second-hand). See Glossary for further information. |
(j) Gross capital expenditure refers to expenditure in a period on the acquisition or enhancement of an asset (excluding financial assets). See Glossary for further information. |
3.2 PRIVATE FREE-STANDING DAY HOSPITALS, Type of centre(a) - States and territories - 2008-09 |
 |  |  | General surgery | Specialist endoscopy | Ophthalmic | Plastic/cosmetic | Other(b) | Total(c) |
 |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 | Hospitals (no.) |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 |  | New South Wales | 7 | 20 | 29 | 5 | 30 | 91 |
 |  | Victoria | np | np | 11 | 10 | 22 | 75 |
 |  | Queensland | 3 | 14 | 13 | 3 | 19 | 52 |
 |  | South Australia | - | 3 | 3 | 9 | 9 | 24 |
 |  | Western Australia | np | 4 | np | np | 17 | 29 |
 |  | Tasmania, Northern Territory & Australian Capital Territory(d) | np | np | np | np | 5 | 14 |
 |  | Australia | 14 | 74 | 61 | 34 | 102 | 285 |
 | Operating theatres (no.)(e) | 34 | 30 | 97 | 41 | 78 | 280 |
 | Procedure rooms (no.)(e) | np | 79 | 28 | np | 109 | 235 |
 | Average number of sessions (e) | 6.0 | 5.1 | 4.2 | 5.8 | 4.8 | 4.9 |
 | Average time used (hours)(f) | 21.1 | 23.3 | 19.7 | 21.8 | 19.9 | 20.9 |
 | Beds/chairs (no.)(g) | 229 | 632 | 496 | 146 | 992 | 2 495 |
 | Separations ('000) | 45.1 | 218.9 | 139.8 | 30.5 | 331.0 | 765.3 |
 | Avg number of separations per bed/chair | 197.0 | 346.3 | 281.8 | 208.9 | 333.7 | 306.7 |
- nil or rounded to zero (including null cells) |
np not available for publication but included in totals where applicable, unless otherwise indicated |
(a) See Explanatory Note 22 for further detail on categories. |
(b) Including fertility and sleep disorders clinics. |
(c) Figures have been rounded and discrepancies may occur between totals and the sums of the component items. |
(d) Tasmania, the Northern Territory and the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) have been aggregated to protect the confidentiality of the small number of hospitals in these states/territories. |
(e) Details are for the last week of the pay period ending on or before 30 June 2009. |
(f) Per operating theatre and procedure room per week. |
(g) Available beds/chairs (average for the year). |
3.3 Private free-standing day hospitals, Full-time equivalent staff - Type of centre(a) - 2008-2009 |
 | General surgery | Specialist endoscopy | Ophthalmic | Plastic/cosmetic | Other(b) | Total(c) |
Nursing staff | 133.8 | 322.0 | 363.0 | 117.2 | 575.2 | 1 511.3 |
Administrative and clerical | 41.3 | 238.6 | 186.9 | 58.6 | 327.0 | 852.4 |
Other(d) | 17.1 | 46.6 | 101.8 | 13.3 | 157.3 | 336.1 |
Total(c) | 192.2 | 607.2 | 651.7 | 189.2 | 1 059.5 | 2 699.8 |
(a) See Explanatory Note 22 for further detail on categories. |
(b) Including fertility and sleep disorders clinics. |
(c) Figures have been rounded and discrepancies may occur between totals and the sums of the component items. |
(d) Including salaried medical officers and other diagnostic health professionals, domestic and other staff. |
3.4 PRIVATE FREE STANDING DAY HOSPITALS, Full-time equivalent staff(a) - States and territories - 2008-09 |
 | NSW | Vic. | Qld | SA | WA | Tas., NT & ACT(b) | Aust.(c) |
Nursing staff | 482.7 | 285.4 | 411.3 | 75.9 | 194.6 | 61.4 | 1 511.3 |
Administrative and clerical | 299.0 | 157.6 | 235.9 | 55.6 | 63.8 | 40.6 | 852.4 |
Other(d) | 122.6 | 60.9 | 68.5 | 8.4 | 45.5 | 30.3 | 336.1 |
Total(c) | 904.2 | 503.9 | 715.6 | 139.9 | 303.9 | 132.3 | 2 699.8 |
(a) Full-time equivalent represents the sum of full-time staff and the full-time equivalent of part-time staff. See Glossary for further details. |
(b) Tasmania, the Northern Territory and the Australian Capital Territory have been aggregated to protect the confidentiality of the small number of hospitals in these states/territories. |
(c) Figures have been rounded and discrepancies may occur between totals and the sums of the component items. |
(d) Including salaried medical officers and other diagnostic health professionals, domestic and other staff. |
3.5 PRIVATE FREE-STANDING DAY HOSPITALS, Income - Type of centre(a) - 2008-09 |
 |  | General surgery | Specialist endoscopy | Ophthalmic | Plastic/cosmetic | Other(b) | Total(c) |
Income ($000) |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 | Patient revenue(d) | 39 111 | 121 157 | 187 055 | 36 218 | 225 717 | 609 257 |
 | Other(e) | 137 | 7 809 | 2 466 | 935 | 7 991 | 19 338 |
 | Total(c) | 39 248 | 128 965 | 189 520 | 37 153 | 233 708 | 628 594 |
Patient revenue as a proportion of total income (%) | 99.7 | 93.9 | 98.7 | 97.5 | 96.6 | 96.9 |
(a) See Explanatory Note 22 for further detail of categories. |
(b) Including fertility and sleep disorders clinics. |
(c) Figures have been rounded and discrepancies may occur between totals and the sums of the component items. |
(d) Includes revenue received by, and due to, the hospital in respect of patient liability for accommodation and other fees. See Glossary for more information. |
(e) Including investment income, income from charities, bequests, visitors' meals, and accommodation and kiosk sales. |
3.6 PRIVATE FREE-STANDING DAY HOSPITALS, Income - States and territories - 2008-09 |
 |  | NSW | Vic. | Qld | SA | WA | Tas., NT & ACT(a) | Aust.(b) |
Income ($000) |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 | Patient revenue(c) | 220 297 | 105 631 | 146 659 | 27 925 | 71 322 | 37 423 | 609 257 |
 | Other | 7 916 | 4 931 | 4 393 | 1 146 | 752 | 200 | 19 338 |
 | Total(b) | 228 213 | 110 562 | 151 052 | 29 071 | 72 073 | 37 623 | 628 594 |
Patient revenue as a proportion of total income (%) | 96.5 | 95.5 | 97.1 | 96.1 | 99.0 | 99.5 | 96.9 |
(a) Tasmania, the Northern Territory and the Australian Capital Territory have been aggregated to protect the confidentiality of the small number of hospitals in these states/territories. |
(b) Figures have been rounded and discrepancies may occur between totals and the sums of the component items. |
(c) Includes revenue received by, and due to, the hospital in respect of patient liability for accommodation and other fees. See Glossary for more information. |
3.7 PRIVATE FREE-STANDING DAY HOSPITALS, Expenditure - Type of centre(a) - 2008-09 |
 |  | General surgery | Specialist endoscopy | Ophthalmic | Plastic/cosmetic | Other(b) | Total(c) |
Recurrent expenditure ($000)(d) |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 | Wages and salaries including on-costs | 12 893 | 42 431 | 52 130 | 13 077 | 79 855 | 200 386 |
 | Drug, medical and surgical supplies(e) | 9 845 | 14 585 | 50 751 | 7 269 | 49 353 | 131 803 |
 | Administrative expenses | 3 647 | 15 919 | 18 099 | 5 944 | 39 272 | 82 881 |
 | Other(f) | 5 421 | 20 368 | 23 859 | 5 182 | 35 531 | 90 361 |
 | Total(c) | 31 806 | 93 303 | 144 840 | 31 472 | 204 010 | 505 431 |
Wages and salaries, including on-costs as a proportion of total recurrent expenditure (%) | 40.5 | 45.5 | 36.0 | 41.6 | 39.1 | 39.6 |
Average recurrent expenditure per separation ($)(g) | 705 | 426 | 1 036 | 1 032 | 616 | 660 |
Gross capital expenditure ($'000)(h) | 4 171 | 15 247 | 12 696 | 2 065 | 14 122 | 48 301 |
(a) See Explanatory Note 22 for further detail of categories. |
(b) Including fertility and sleep disorders clinics. |
(c) Figures have been rounded and discrepancies may occur between totals and the sums of the component items. |
(d) Recurrent expenditure refers to expenditure on goods and services, which does not result in the creation or acquisition of fixed assets (new or second-hand). See Glossary for further information. |
(e) Including surgically implanted prostheses and homograft items. |
(f) Including repairs and maintenance, interest, depreciation, contract services and payments to sessional medical officers. |
(g) Average expenditure figures can vary considerably between hospitals depending on the type of services they provide. |
(h) Gross capital expenditure refer to expenditure in a period on the acquisition or enhancement of an asset (excluding financial assets). See Glossary for further information. |
3.8 PRIVATE FREE-STANDING DAY HOSPITALS, Expenditure - States and territories - 2008-09 |
 |  | NSW | Vic. | Qld | SA | WA | Tas, NT & ACT(a) | Aust.(b) |
Recurrent expenditure ('$000)(c) |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 | Wages and salaries including on-costs | 67 115 | 36 714 | 53 384 | 10 752 | 21 884 | 10 537 | 200 386 |
 | Drug, medical and surgical supplies(d) | 49 997 | 20 398 | 32 175 | 5 674 | 17 091 | 6 469 | 131 803 |
 | Administrative expenses | 31 447 | 12 263 | 21 444 | 4 106 | 6 999 | 6 622 | 82 881 |
 | Other(e) | 31 285 | 17 643 | 23 344 | 4 564 | 9 585 | 3 939 | 90 361 |
 | Total(b) | 179 844 | 87 018 | 130 346 | 25 096 | 55 559 | 27 567 | 505 431 |
Wages and salaries including on-costs as a proportion of total recurrent expenditure (%) | 37.3 | 42.2 | 41.0 | 42.8 | 39.4 | 38.2 | 39.6 |
Average recurrent expenditure per separation ($)(f) | 816 | 486 | 629 | 589 | 653 | 891 | 660 |
Gross capital expenditure ($'000)(g) | 12 720 | 16 387 | 11 334 | 1 388 | 5 343 | 1 130 | 48 301 |
(a) Tasmania, the Northern Territory and the Australian Capital Territory have been aggregated to protect the confidentiality of the small number of hospitals in these states/territories. |
(b) Figures have been rounded and discrepancies may occur between totals and the sums of the component items. |
(c) Recurrent expenditure refers to expenditure on goods and services, which does not result in the creation or acquisition of fixed assets (new or second-hand). See Glossary for further information. |
(d) Including surgically implanted prostheses and homograft items. |
(e) Including repairs and maintenance, interest, depreciation, contract services and payments to sessional medical officers. |
(f) Average expenditure figures can vary considerably between hospitals depending on the type of services they provide. |
(g) Gross capital expenditure refer to expenditure in a period on the acquisition or enhancement of an asset (excluding financial assets). See Glossary for further information. |