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INTRODUCTION The retail businesses that contribute to the statistics in this publication are classified by Industry in accordance with the Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC), 2006 edition (cat. no. 1292.0). Retail businesses are classified to:
The following graphs and commentary refer to income, expenses and industry value added (IVA) for the 2012–13 reference period, and employment at end June 2013. Footnote(s): (a) Includes working proprietors and partners of unincorporated businesses. (b) Includes capitalised wages and salaries. Excludes the drawings of working proprietors. Source(s): Retail and Wholesale Industries, Australia (cat. no. 8622.0) Employment and Wages by Subdivision contribution At the end of June 2013, the Retail Industry employed 1,271,957 persons. Just over half (53.9% or 685,883 persons) were employed in Other store-based retailing, followed by Food retailing (32.8% or 416,557 persons), and Motor vehicle and motor vehicle parts retailing (8.1% or 102,925 persons). Fuel retailing and Non-store retailing and retail commission based buying and/or selling employed 5.2% (or 66,593 persons) combined. During 2012-13, the Retail Industry paid wages and salaries of $40.4b. Of total wages and salaries, Other store-based retailing accounted for 52.0% (or $21.0b), Food retailing 29.4% (or $11.9b), Motor vehicle and motor vehicle parts retailing 13.6% (or $5.5b). Fuel retailing and Non-store retailing and retail commission based buying and/or selling combined share of total wages was 5.0% (or $2.0b). Average wage per employee for the Retail Industry was $32,817 (excluding working proprietors and partners of incorporated businesses). Highest average wage per employee was paid by Motor vehicle and motor vehicle parts retailing ($54,333), whilst Food retailing had the lowest average wage ($29,210). Sales of goods and Total income During 2012-13, retail businesses generated total income of $380.1b, the majority of which comprised sales of goods bought in and resold ($352.5b). Other store-based retailing and Food retailing accounted for 68.3% (or $259.6b) of total income and 68.2% ($240.4b) of sales of goods bought in and resold. Remaining Retail Subdivisions contributed 31.7% (or $120.5b) to total income and 31.8% (or $112.2b) to sales of goods bought in and resold. Footnote(s): (a) Includes capitalised purchases Source(s): Retail and Wholesale Industries, Australia (cat. no. 8622.0) Purchases of goods and Total expenses During 2012–13 retail businesses incurred total expenses of $363.4b, of which purchases of goods accounted for 72.8% (or $264.5b). Other store-based retailing and Food retailing, combined, accounted for 67.9% (or $246.6b) of total expenses for the Retail Industry, and 62.6% (or $165.6b) of total purchases. Remaining Retail Subdivisions contributed 32.2% (or $116.9b) to total expenses and 37.4% (or $98.9b) to total purchases. Fuel retailing recorded the highest proportion of purchases to total expenses (90.7%), whilst Non-store retailing and retail commission based buying and/or selling had the lowest proportion of purchases to total expenses (60.2%). Footnote(s): (a) Includes working proprietors and partners of unincorporated businesses. Source(s): Retail and Wholesale Industries, Australia (cat. no. 8622.0) Key figures by employment size Large businesses (employment of 200+) Large businesses contributed the largest share for employment (46.7% or 594,619 persons), total income (45.7% or $173.5b), total expenses (45.6% or $165.7b) and industry value added (44.8% or $31.2b) for the Retail Industry. Other store-based retailing and Food retailing dominated employment share for large businesses (93.2% or 554,006 persons), total income (77.7% or $134.9b), and total expenses (77.3% or $128.1b). Food retailing contributed just over half (50.2% or $15.7b) of industry value added from large businesses, followed by Other store-based retailing at 38.6% (or $12.0b). Medium businesses accounted for 21.0% (or 267,060 persons) of total Retail Industry employment, 26.7% (or $101.7b) of total income, 27.0% (or $98.3) of total expenses, and 24.6% (or $17.1b) of industry value added. Other store-based retailing accounted for almost half (47.9% or $127.9b) of total persons employed in medium size retail businesses and contributed 45.6% (or $7.8b) to industry value added. Motor vehicle and motor vehicle parts retailing contributed the largest share of total income (44.9% or $45.6b) and total expenses (45.4% or $44.6b) for medium size businesses. Small businesses accounted for 32.3% (or 410,278 persons) of total Retail Industry employment, 27.6% (or $104.9b) of total income, 27.4% (or $99.4b) of total expenses and 30.6% (or $21.3b) of industry value added. Other store-based retailing contributed the largest share for all key data items including employment (62.7% or 257,427 persons), total income (56.3% or $59.1b), expenditure (55.9% or $55.6b) and industry value added (64.3% or $13.7b) for small retail businesses. Document Selection These documents will be presented in a new window.