Population growth
For the year ending 30 June 2008, the population of the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) increased by 4,475, bringing the preliminary estimated resident population to 344,236. The annual growth rate was 1.3%, below the national average of 1.7%.
Natural increase was the largest contributor (rising by 3,093 people) to the ACT's population growth. Net overseas migration also contributed to the growth (1,601 people). These increases were partially offset by a decline in Net interstate migration (-220 people).
Families and work
In June 2008, 76% of all couple families with children aged under 15 years in the ACT had both parents employed, 15 percentage points above than the national average (61%). The ACT's rate of employment among lone parents with children aged under 15 years was 77% in June 2008, well above the national average of 59%.
There were 1,333 divorces granted in the ACT in 2007, down 11% from 2006. Nationally the decline was 7%. (Note: Divorces granted in the ACT also includes applicants from other states, particularly New South Wales and Victoria, and are not limited to persons who usually reside in the ACT).
The median length of marriage to separation for the ACT was 9.6 years, compared to the national median of 8.9 years; the median length of marriage to divorce was 12.9 years, compared to the national median of 12.6 years.
Joint applicants represented the highest proportion of all applicants for divorce at 43.7%, while sole males represented 24.4% and sole females represented 31.8% of all applicants.
Australian Demographic Statistics, June 2008 (cat. no. 3101.0).
Divorces, Australia, 2007 (cat. no. 3307.0.55.001).
Labour Force, Australia: Labour force Status and Other Characteristics of Families, data cubes (cat. no. 6224.0.55.001).