Family and Community, NSW Summary table |
| |
| | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | |
Living arrangements | |
| |
1. Total households | '000 | na | 2 454.7 | 2 491.8 | 2 528.4 | 2 565.9 | 2 604.6 | 2 643.0 | |
2. Lone person households | '000 | na | 586.9 | 604.3 | 621.3 | 638.7 | 656.7 | 675.0 | |
3. Total families | '000 | 1 721 | 1 777 | 1 798 | 1 827 | 1 838 | 1 844 | 1 877 | |
4. Couple families without children | '000 | 601 | 656 | 649 | 686 | 687 | 660 | 717 | |
5. Families with dependent children | '000 | 869 | 859 | 893 | 875 | 884 | 903 | 899 | |
6. One parent families with dependent children-of all families with dependent children | % | 20.7 | 20.6 | r21.9 | 22.1 | 22.6 | 21.6 | 21.6 | |
7. Defacto couples-of all couple families | % | na | 11.5 | na | na | na | na | na | |
Family formation | |
| |
8. Marriage rate per 1,000 population | rate | 6.1 | 5.5 | 5.5 | 5.5 | 5.6 | 5.3 | nya | |
9. Total fertility rate per female | rate | 1.815 | 1.762 | 1.801 | 1.796 | 1.794 | 1.757 | 1.808 | |
10. Median age of mother at first birth in current relationship | years | 28.6 | 28.8 | 29.0 | 29.2 | 29.3 | 29.5 | nya | |
11. Divorce rate per 1,000 population | rate | 2.3 | 2.4 | 2.6 | 2.4 | 2.2 | 2.2 | nya | |
12. Children aged 0-17 years involved in a divorce in year | '000 | 14.1 | 13.5 | 13.6 | 13.4 | 12.8 | 13.1 | nya | |
13. Children aged 0-17 years with a natural parent living elsewhere | % | na | na | na | r21.8 | na | na | na | |
Families and work | |
| |
14. Both parents employed - couple families with dependent children | % | 59.2 | 58.7 | 59.9 | 59.8 | 60.1 | 61.5 | 62.3 | |
15. Both parents not employed - couple families with dependent children | % | 7.1 | 7.5 | 6.8 | 6.7 | 6.7 | 5.5 | 6.8 | |
16. Singe parent not employed - one parent families with dependent children | % | 48.9 | 53.1 | 51.0 | 51.3 | 52.5 | 45.1 | 48.5 | |
17. Children aged 0-14 years without an employed parent in the household | % | 19.4 | 18.2 | na | 16.2 | 15.7 | na | nya | |
18. Families with children aged 0-11 years who used work arrangements to care for child | % | na | na | 54.5 | na | na | 61.5 | na | |
Family and community | |
| |
19. Adults that can get support from others outside the household in time of crisis(a) | % | na | na | 93.2 | na | na | na | nya | |
20. Carers for a person with a disability(b) | % | na | na | na | 11.4 | na | na | na | |
21. Children aged 0-11 years who received some informal child care from relatives | % | na | na | 25.9 | na | na | 30.0 | na | |
22. Children aged 0-2 years who used formal child care(c) | % | na | na | 21.5 | na | na | 25.9 | na | |
23. Children aged 3-4 years who used formal child care(c) | % | na | na | 40.9 | na | na | 46.0 | na | |
24. Children on care and protection orders per 1,000 children | rate | 4.8 | 5.1 | 5.1 | 5.6 | na | 5.4 | 5.8 | |
Community participation | |
| |
25. Voluntary work-adults(a) | % | na | na | 33.4 | na | na | na | nya | |
26. Participated in organised sport or physical recreation-adults(a) | % | na | na | 32.7 | na | na | na | nya | |
27. Attended cultural events-adults(a) | % | na | na | 86.2 | na | na | 82.9 | na | |
28. Participated in organised sport-children(d) | % | 60.2 | na | na | 62.3 | na | na | 64.7 | |
29. Participated in cultural activities-children(d) | % | 31.5 | na | na | 29.9 | na | na | 34.6 | |
30. Households with an Internet connection | % | 32 | 45 | 48 | 54 | na | 56 | 60 | |
| |
na not available |
nya not yet available |
r revised |
(a) Persons aged 18 years and over. |
(b) Persons aged 15 years and over. |
(c) To enable comparisons over time, preschool has been removed from formal care for all time periods shown in this table. In surveys prior to 2005, the definition of formal care included preschool. |
(d) Children aged 5-14 years. |
| |
Data in this table are compiled from multiple sources. Information on these sources is available below. | Summary table indicators | |
| |
ABS data available on request, ABS 2001 Census of Population and Housing | 7 | |
ABS data available on request, ABS National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Survey | . . | |
ABS data available on request, ABS Survey of Children's Participation in Cultural and Leisure Activities Survey | 28-29 | |
ABS data available on request, ABS Survey of Disability, Ageing and Carers | 20 | |
ABS data available on request, ABS Survey of Income and Housing | 17 | |
ABS data available on request, ABS Vitals Collection | 10 | |
Attendance at Selected Cultural Venues and Events, Australia (ABS cat. no. 4114.0) | 27 | |
Australian Demographic Statistics (ABS cat. no. 3101.0) | 9 | |
Australian Historical Population Statistics (ABS cat. no. 3105.0.65.001) | . . | |
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) 2006 Child Protection Australia 2004-05, (AIHW cat. no. CWS 28) | 24 | |
Child Care, Australia, New South Wales Tables (ABS cat. no. 4402.0) | 18; 21-23 | |
Divorces, Australia (ABS cat. no. 3307.0.55.001) | 11-12 | |
Family Characteristics (ABS cat. no. 4442.0) | 13 | |
General Social Survey, New South Wales (ABS cat. no. 4159.1.55.001) | 19; 25-26 | |
Household and Family Projections, Australia Series II (ABS cat. no. 3236.0) | 1-2 | |
Household Use of Information Technology, Australia (ABS cat. no. 8146.0) | 30 | |
Labour Force, Australia, Detailed (ABS cat. no. 6291.0.55.001) | 3-6; 14-16 | |
Marriages, Australia (ABS cat. no. 3306.0.55.001) | 8 | |
NSW Department of Community Services, Key Information and Directory System (KiDS), 2005-06 | . . | |
Sports Attendance, Australia (ABS cat. no. 4174.0) | . . | |
| |
. . not applicable |