ABS products
Australian System of National Accounts (5204.0)
Building Activity, Australia (8752.0)
Building Approvals, Australia (8731.0)
Construction Work Done, Australia, Preliminary (8755.0)
Engineering Construction Activity, Australia (8762.0)
Labour Force, Australia, Detailed - Electronic Delivery (6291.0.55.001)
Producer Price Indexes, Australia (6427.0)
Web sites
Australian Government Department of Industry, Tourism and Resources, last viewed October 2004 <http://www.industry.gov.au>
Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute, last viewed October 2004 <http://www.ahuri.edu.au>
Commercial Property Monitor Pty Ltd, last viewed October 2004 <http://www.propertyweb.com.au>
Housing Industry Association, last viewed October 2004 <http://www.buildingonline.com.au>
Master Builders Australia Inc., last viewed October 2004 <http://www.masterbuilders.com.au>
Property Council of Australia, last viewed October 2004 <http://www.propertyoz.com.au>
Real Estate Institute of Australia, last viewed October 2004 <http://www.reiaustralia.com.au>