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Labour Statistics: Concepts, Sources and Methods was originally released in 2001 in both electronic and paper versions (cat. no. 6102.0). The paper publication will not be rereleased. However, the web version (cat. no. 6102.0.55.001) is being updated on an ongoing basis. This chapter was updated on 15 December, 2005.
26.4 Disputes which ended during the period are further classified according to:
26.5 Estimates are cross classified by State or Territory and industry. 26.6 Estimates are compiled according to the concepts and definitions outlined in Chapter 13. SCOPE 26.7 Industrial disputes are included within the scope of the Industrial Disputes collection if the work stoppages amount to ten or more working days lost. Ten working days lost is equivalent to the amount of ordinary time which would have been worked, for example, during a stoppage of work by ten employees for one day, or by 40 workers attending a 2 hour stop work meeting (assuming they worked an 8 hour day). Disputes which involve the equivalent of less than 10 working days lost are excluded. 26.8 The following types of industrial disputes are within the scope of the Industrial Disputes collection:
26.9 Excluded from the scope of the collection are work-to-rules, go-slows, and bans (e.g. overtime bans). Also excluded are effects of disputes on locations other than where the stoppages occurred, such as stand-downs because of lack of materials, disruption of transport services and power cuts. 26.10 In addition, if all of the employees involved in an industrial dispute resign, that dispute is deemed to be resolved and it is excluded from the scope of the collection from the date of the employment termination. COLLECTION METHODOLOGY 26.11 Detailed information about each identified dispute is obtained using a mail-out/mail-back collection methodology. Information is generally obtained from employers and, in some cases, trade unions and/or employer associations. 26.12 The collection reference period is the calendar month, but data are compiled on a quarterly basis only. 26.13 Telephone follow-up and some written reminders of outstanding returns are undertaken after the due date. FRAME DESIGN 26.14 The statistical units for the collection are organisations involved in industrial disputes. 26.15 The frame is compiled monthly and comprises all organisations whose employees were involved in disputes during the month. 26.16 A number of sources are used to identify industrial disputes, including: Media Monitors; Reuters Business Service; union magazines; Australian and State Industrial Relations Commission Hearings Lists; and reports from government authorities. In addition, lists of organisations regularly involved in disputes are maintained. FRAME UNDERCOVERAGE 26.17 It is not always possible to identify all the organisations involved in a dispute, particularly in large disputes. When this occurs, other bodies which might be able to provide the information, such as trade unions and employer associations, are contacted. Some small disputes (particularly in small businesses) may not be identified because of the lack of media attention given to them. ESTIMATION 26.18 As the collection is a census, no weighting is required. 26.19 Generally, there is no imputation for non-response. However, for large general strikes, clerical imputation methods are used, and as many sources are referenced as possible, such as trade unions, employer organisations, media reports and employers. RELIABILITY OF THE ESTIMATES 26.20 Estimates from the collection are subject to non-sampling error (see paragraph 16.102 to 16.105). DATA COMPARABILITY OVER TIME 26.21 In order to provide a high degree of consistency and comparability over time, changes to collection methods, concepts, data item definitions and frequency are made as infrequently as possible. Significant changes have included:
FURTHER INFORMATION 26.22 Details of definitions used in the Industrial Disputes collection are included in Chapter 12. 26.23 For further details contact the Labour Market Statistics Section, on Canberra (02) 6252 7206.