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Classification Structure - Subdivision 770000 - Environmental Management (See Division 4, Introduction for more information)
Definitions Subdivision 770000 - Environmental Management, covers R&D directed towards the study of the environment (both of pristine and degraded or altered states) conducted in the context of developing management strategies to sustain the quality of environmental attributes. It also includes studies of the environmental impact of socio-economic activities. This subdivision has twelve groups:
770200 - Atmosphere (Excl. Climate and Weather) 770300 - Marine Environment 770400 - Coastal and Estuarine Environment 770500 - Urban and Industrial Environment 770600 - High Country (Incl. Mountains) 770700 - Forest and Wooded Lands 770800 - Farmland (Incl. Arable Land and Permanent Crop Land) 770900 - Sparseland (Incl. Permanent Grassland and the Arid Zone) 771000 - Mining Environments 771100 - Antarctic and Sub-Antarctic Areas 779900 - Other (Incl. Islands) Exclusions: R&D directed towards 'clean production' to minimise emissions to the environment from industrial processes or towards protection of the production site (e.g. sustainability of agricultural production systems) is included in the relevant Subdivisions and Groups of the Defence, Economic Development and Society Divisions.
This group covers R&D directed towards the expansion of knowledge and understanding of the climate and the weather. Climate for the purpose of this classification refers to a long term average condition of the weather in a given area. This group has four classes: 770101 - Climate change 770102 - Climate variability 770103 - Weather 770199 - Other Exclusions: R&D directed towards 'clean production' to minimise emissions to the environment from industrial processes is included in the relevant Subdivisions and Groups of the Defence, Economic Development and Society Divisions.
This group covers R&D directed towards the expansion of knowledge and understanding of the atmosphere, including understanding the changes in the upper atmosphere (stratosphere - between 10 and 59 km altitude), ozone concentrations and their effects. This group has two classes: 770201 - Atmospheric composition 770202 - Atmospheric processes Exclusions: R&D directed towards 'clean production' to minimise emissions to the environment from industrial processes is included in the relevant Subdivisions and Groups of the Defence, Economic Development and Society Divisions.
This group covers R&D directed towards the expansion of knowledge and understanding of the marine environment. This group has eight classes: 770301 - Air quality 770302 - Living resources (incl. impacts of fishing on non-target species) 770303 - Control of pests and exotic species 770304 - Physical and chemical conditions 770305 - Oceanic processes (excl. climate related) 770306 - Integrated (ecosystem) assessment and management 770307 - Marine protected areas 770399 - Other Exclusions: R&D directed towards: (a) understanding of oceanic currents, etc. for naval safety or navigation is included in Group 690200 Water Transport; and (b) 'clean production' to minimise emissions to the environment from industrial processes is included in the relevant Subdivisions and Groups of the Defence, Economic Development and Society Divisions.
This group covers R&D directed towards enhancing knowledge, awareness and understanding of the coastal and estuarine environment. Coastal refers to an area within 150 km of the coastline. This group has ten classes: 770401 - Air quality 770402 - Land and water management 770403 - Living resources (flora and fauna) 770404 - Control of pests and exotic species 770405 - Physical and chemical conditions 770406 - Integrated (ecosystem) assessment and management 770407 - Remnant vegetation and protected conservation areas (both terrestrial and marine) 770408 - Rehabilitation of degraded coastal and estuarine areas 770409 - Estuarine and lagoon areas 770499 - Other Exclusions: R&D directed towards: (a) understanding of oceanic currents, etc. for naval safety or navigation is included in Group 690200 Water Transport; and (b) 'clean production' to minimise emissions to the environment from industrial processes is included in the relevant Subdivisions and Groups of the Defence, Economic Development and Society Divisions.
This group covers R&D directed towards enhancing knowledge, awareness and understanding of the urban and industrial environment. Urban refers to areas where most Australians live, i.e. 92% of people live within 14% of the land area of Australia at an average population density of 13 people/km2. This group has eight classes: 770501 - Air quality 770502 - Land and water management 770503 - Living resources (flora and fauna) 770504 - Control of pests and exotic species 770505 - Integrated (ecosystem) assessment and management 770506 - Remnant vegetation and protected conservation areas 770507 - Industrial/degraded areas 770599 - Other Exclusions: R&D directed towards 'clean production' to minimise emissions to the environment from industrial processes is included in the relevant Subdivisions and Groups of the Defence, Economic Development and Society Divisions.
This group covers R&D directed towards enhancing knowledge, awareness and understanding of the environment of the high country (incl. mountains). For purposes of this classification, high country (incl. mountains) refers to the area, including the Great Dividing Range and the Great Escarpment, which are above 1000 metres in altitude. This group has eight classes: 770601 - Air quality 770602 - Land and water management 770603 - Living resources (flora and fauna) 770604 - Control of pests and exotic species 770605 - Integrated (ecosystem) assessment and management 770606 - Remnant vegetation and protected conservation areas 770607 - Rehabilitation of degraded high country 770699 - Other Exclusions: R&D directed towards 'clean production' to minimise emissions to the environment from industrial processes is included in the relevant Subdivisions and Groups of the Defence, Economic Development and Society Divisions.
This group covers R&D directed towards enhancing knowledge, awareness and understanding of the environment of forest and wooded lands. Forest land refers to an area of trees which has a foliage projective cover in the tallest stratum of more than 30% or a crown cover of more than 20% of the area and not used primarily for purposes other than forestry. It includes public and private forest, forest in national parks, forest roads and streams, forest nurseries, plantations primarily used for forestry purposes and areas of windbreaks and shelterbelts sufficiently large to be managed as forest. It excludes isolated groups of trees and city parks and gardens. Wooded land refers to an area of trees and/or shrubs which has a foliage projective cover in the tallest stratum of between 10% to 30% or a crown cover of between 10% to 20% of the area. This group has eight classes: 770701 - Air quality 770702 - Land and water management 770703 - Living resources (flora and fauna) 770704 - Control of pests and exotic species 770705 - Integrated (ecosystem) assessment and management 770706 - Remnant vegetation and protected conservation areas 770707 - Rehabilitation/reafforestation 770799 - Other Exclusions: R&D directed towards 'clean production' to minimise emissions to the environment from industrial processes is included in the relevant Subdivisions and Groups of the Defence, Economic Development and Society Divisions.
This group covers R&D directed towards enhancing knowledge, awareness and understanding of the environment of farmland (incl. arable land and permanent crop land). Farmland refers to (a) arable land which is land under crops such as cereals, root crops, industrial crops (e.g. cotton, tobacco, oilseeds), vegetables, flowers and ornamental plants; and (b) permanent cropland which is land under orchards, vineyards, olives, etc. Source: OECD Environment Data Compendium (1991). This group has eight classes: 770801 - Air quality 770802 - Land and water management 770803 - Living resources (flora and fauna) 770804 - Control of pests and exotic species 770805 - Integrated (ecosystem) assessment and management 770806 - Remnant vegetation and protected conservation areas 770807 - Rehabilitation of degraded farmland 770899 - Other Exclusions: R&D directed towards 'clean production' to minimise emissions to the environment from industrial processes is included in the relevant Subdivisions and Groups of the Defence, Economic Development and Society Divisions.
This group covers R&D directed towards enhancing knowledge, awareness and understanding of the environment of sparseland (incl. permanent grassland and the arid zone). Sparseland refers to areas with a population density of less than 1000 people per 8000 km2. It includes the arid zone (which receives less than 250 mm of rain a year in the south and 350 mm in the north) as well as the permanent grasslands or rangelands where sheep or cattle graze on native vegetation. Source: D. Cocks (1992) Use with Care, U&NSW Press. This group has eight classes: 770901 - Air quality 770902 - Land and water management 770903 - Living resources (flora and fauna) 770904 - Control of pests and exotic species 770905 - Integrated (ecosystem) assessment and management 770906 - Remnant vegetation and protected conservation areas 770907 - Rehabilitation of degraded sparseland 770999 - Other Exclusions: R&D directed towards 'clean production' to minimise emissions to the environment from industrial processes is included in the relevant Subdivisions and Groups of the Defence, Economic Development and Society Divisions.
This group covers R&D directed towards enhancing knowledge, awareness and understanding of mining environments. Mining environments are areas where mining is occurring. This group has eight classes: 771001 - Air quality 771002 - Land and water management 771003 - Living resources (flora and fauna) 771004 - Control of pests and exotic species 771005 - Integrated (ecosystem) assessment and management 771006 - Remnant vegetation and protected conservation areas 771007 - Rehabilitation of degraded mining lands 771099 - Other Exclusions: R&D directed towards 'clean production' to minimise emissions to the environment from industrial processes is included in the relevant Subdivisions and Groups of the Defence, Economic Development and Society Divisions.
This group covers R&D directed towards enhancing knowledge, awareness and understanding of the environment of antarctic and sub-antarctic areas. Antarctic (incl. subantarctic) refers to areas south of latitude 500S, namely Antarctica, Heard Island, Macdonald Island and Macquarie Island. This group has six classes: 771101 - Air quality 771102 - Land and water management 771103 - Living resources (flora and fauna) 771104 - Control of pests and exotic species 771105 - Integrated (ecosystem) assessment and management 771199 - Other Exclusions: R&D directed towards 'clean production' to minimise emissions to the environment from industrial processes is included in the relevant Subdivisions and Groups of the Defence, Economic Development and Society Divisions.
This group covers R&D directed towards enhancing knowledge, awareness and understanding of the environment of other areas not elsewhere classified. This group has eight classes: 779901 - Air quality 779902 - Land and water management 779903 - Living resources (flora and fauna) 779904 - Control of pests and exotic species 779905 - Integrated (ecosystem) assessment and management 779906 - Remnant vegetation and protected conservation areas 779907 - Rehabilitation of degraded areas 779999 - Other Exclusions: R&D directed towards 'clean production' to minimise emissions to the environment from industrial processes is included in the relevant Subdivisions and Groups of the Defence, Economic Development and Society Divisions.