Employment in sport and physical recreation occupations
The 2001 Census of Population and Housing provides information on the number and characteristics of people aged 15 years and over whose main job in the week prior to the census was in a sport and physical recreation occupation. People who had unpaid involvement in sport and physical recreation activities and people who worked in sport and physical recreation as a ‘second job’ were not recorded as being in sport and physical recreation occupations, unless their main job (in terms of hours worked) was a sport and physical recreation occupation.
The 2001 census found 83,008 people (1.0% of all employed persons) had their main job in a sport and physical recreation occupation. This is a 21.6% increase from 1996 when 68,274 people (0.9%) had their main job in a sport and physical recreation occupation, and compares with an 8.7% increase for all occupations.
Of those employed in a sport and physical recreation occupation in 2001, fitness instructors (12,364 persons) and greenkeepers (11,928 persons) were prominent (table 12.27). In August 2001 there were more males (50,113 or 60.4%) than females (32,895 or 39.6%) employed in sport and physical recreation occupations. By comparison, of all employed persons, 54.8% were male and 45.2% were female.
 | Males | Females | Persons |
Fitness instructor(a) | 3,685 | 8,679 | 12,364 |
Greenkeeper(b) | 11,637 | 291 | 11,928 |
Veterinarian | 2,975 | 2,032 | 5,007 |
Veterinary nurse | 121 | 4,737 | 4,858 |
Recreation officer | 1,035 | 2,807 | 3,842 |
Stud hand or stable hand | 1,626 | 1,867 | 3,493 |
Boat builder and repairer(c) | 3,153 | 60 | 3,213 |
Ticket collector or usher | 1,576 | 1,624 | 3,200 |
Animal trainer(d) | 2,251 | 875 | 3,126 |
Other sports coach | 1,991 | 887 | 2,878 |
(a) Comprises Fitness instructors and related workers n.f.d. and Fitness instructor.
(b) Comprises Greenkeepers n.f.d., Greenkeeper and Apprentice greenkeeper.
(c) Comprises Boat builder and repairer, and Apprentice boat builder and repairer.
(d) Comprises Animal trainers n.f.d., Horse trainer and Animal trainers n.e.c.
Source: Employment in Sport and Recreation, Australia, 2001 (4148.0). |
Involvement in organised sports and physical activities
In the 12 months to April 2001, 4.1 million people (27.1% of all people aged 15 years and over) were involved in sport and physical activity organised by a club, association or other organisation. This involvement includes players or participants and those involved in non-playing roles that support, arrange and/or run organised sport and physical activity. Of these, over 1.4 million people (9.5% of all people aged 15 years and over) were involved as coaches, referees, administrators, scorers or in other non-playing roles.
Of the 4.1 million people involved in organised sport and physical activity, 0.9 million (21.6% of those involved) were both a player and involved in at least one non-playing role. Of the 1.4 million people with non-playing involvement, 33.8% participated in more than one non-playing role. In all, these 1.4 million people had 2.1 million involvements in non-playing roles in the 12 months prior to interview.
Of the 3.5 million players, 88,100 (2.5%) received some payment (either in dollars and/or goods and services) for their involvement, and of the 2.1 million non-playing involvements, 233,500 (11%) attracted some payment (table 12.28). These data, and the figures in table 12.24, indicate how heavily reliant sports organisations are on the support of unpaid helpers.
 |  | Some paid involvement(b) | Unpaid involvement only | Total involvements | Participation rate(c) |
Type of involvement | ’000 | '000 | ’000 | % |
Playing | 88.1 | 3,428.3 | 3,516.4 | 23.5 |
Non-playing roles |  |  |  |  |
 | Coach, instructor or teacher | 105.8 | 452.6 | 558.4 | 3.7 |
 | Referee or umpire | 69.5 | 270.5 | 340.0 | 2.3 |
 | Committee member or administrator | 24.3 | 570.7 | 595.0 | 4.0 |
 | Scorer or timekeeper | *14.6 | 439.1 | 453.7 | 3.0 |
 | Medical support | *11.9 | 78.2 | 90.1 | 0.6 |
 | Other involvement | *7.3 | 79.8 | 87.1 | 0.6 |
 | Total non-playing involvements | 233.5 | 1,890.9 | 2,124.3 | . . |
Total involvements | 321.6 | 5,319.2 | 5,640.8 | . . |
(a) Relates to persons aged 15 years and over who were involved in sport or physical activity organised by a club, association or other organisation in the 12 months prior to interview in April 2001.
(b) Includes those who were paid for all or some of their involvement. Payment includes payment in dollars and/or goods and services.
(c) Refers to the number of persons involved in organised sport and physical activity, expressed as a percentage of the civilian population aged 15 years and over.
Source: Involvement in Organised Sport and Physical Activity, Australia, April 2001 (6285.0). |
The Voluntary Work Survey, conducted by the ABS in 2000, collected information on the types of organisations, clubs and associations to which people provided unpaid help in the form of time, services or skills. The survey found 4.3 million persons aged 18 years and over undertook voluntary work in the 12 months before interview in 2000. Sport and physical recreation organisations had the largest number of volunteers, receiving help from 1.1 million volunteers. Education, training and youth development organisations and community and welfare organisations also received help from close to one million volunteers. Although female volunteers outnumbered male volunteers overall, this situation was reversed in sport and physical recreation organisations where 60% of volunteers were male. Almost a third (31%) of volunteers who worked for sports and physical recreation organisations were aged 35-44 years and 40% of sports volunteers had children aged 5-14 years. Some volunteers provided assistance to more than one sports organisation, so the total number of voluntary involvements in sports organisations (1.3 million) exceeded the total number of volunteers for sports organisations.