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Classification Structure - Subdivision 750000 - Social Development and Community Services (See Division 3, Introduction for more information)
Subdivision 750000 - Social Development and Community Services, covers R&D directed towards community and social services (incl. welfare) to individuals or community groups (e.g. disabled, unemployed) and towards social justice and general equity.
750200 - Arts and Leisure 750300 - Community Service (Excl. Work) 750400 - Religion and Ethics 750500 - Justice and the Law 750600 - Government and Politics 750700 - International Relations 750800 - Heritage 750900 - Understanding Past Societies 751000 - Communication 759900 - Other Social Development and Community Services Exclusions: R&D directed towards: (a) recreational services mainly of a commercial nature (e.g. casino, cinema) is included in Subdivision 710000 Commercial Services and Tourism, Class 710601 Recreational services; and (b) the provision of community health services and their associated support services is included in the appropriate groups in Subdivision 730000 Health.
This group covers R&D directed towards aspects of work, such as employment, work patterns, the professions and preserving institutional and organisational histories. This group has five classes: 750101 - Employment 750102 - Changing work patterns 750103 - The professions and professionalisation 750104 - Preserving institutional and organisational histories 750199 - Work not elsewhere classified Exclusions: R&D directed towards: (a) industrial relations is included in Group 720400 Management and Productivity Issues, Class 720402 Industrial relations; and (b) occupational health is included in Group 730200 Public Health, Class 730208 Occupational health (excl. economic development aspects).
This group covers R&D directed towards the arts and related cultural activities. It includes R&D directed towards: This group has five classes: 750201 - The performing arts (incl. music, theatre and dance) 750202 - The creative arts 750203 - Organised sport 750204 - Recreation 750299 - Arts and leisure not elsewhere classified Exclusions: R&D directed towards: (a) museums and art galleries is included in Group 700200 Other Information Services; (b) cinemas or motion picture exhibition is included in Group 710600 Other Commercial Services, Class 710601 Recreational Services; and (c) motion picture (incl. video) production and distribution is included in Group 710600 Other Commercial Services, Class 710699 Commercial Services not elsewhere classified.
This group covers R&D directed towards the provision or delivery of community and welfare services to individuals or to defined community groups such as the disabled, aged persons and single parents. This group has thirteen classes: 750301 - The distribution of wealth 750302 - Class 750303 - Gender 750304 - The aged 750305 - Ability and disability 750306 - Ethnicity and multiculturalism 750307 - Families 750308 - National identity 750309 - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander development and welfare 750310 - Carers development and welfare (i.e. carers for the aged, disabled) 750311 - Migrant development and welfare 750312 - Youth/child development and welfare 750399 - Community service not elsewhere classified Exclusions: R&D directed towards community health education is included in Group 730300 Health and Support Services.
This group covers R&D directed towards the understanding and analyses of religion and ethical issues of concern to social, scientific or technological development, the application of ethical or moral theory to such issues and the development of codes of behaviour or standards of practice for businesses, professions and trades. It includes R&D in bioethics or biomedical ethics and environmental ethics. This group has seven classes: 750401 - Religion and society 750402 - Religious structures and rituals 750403 - Bioethics 750404 - Social ethics 750405 - Environmental ethics 750406 - Business ethics 750499 - Religion and ethics not elsewhere classified Exclusions: R&D directed towards ethics, moral theory or theories of no immediate value to social, scientific or technological development is included in Subdivision 780000 Non-Oriented research, Class 780112 Philosophy and religion.
This group covers R&D directed towards justice and the law. It includes R&D in land ownership, consumer affairs, legal processes, law enforcement and correctional services. This group has six classes: 750501 - Ownership of the land 750502 - Consumer affairs 750503 - Understanding legal processes 750504 - Law enforcement 750505 - Correctional services 750599 - Justice and the law not elsewhere classified
This group covers R&D directed towards the understanding and analyses of government and politics. It includes R&D directed towards the understanding of electoral systems, civics and citizenship and public services management. This group has six classes: 750601 - Understanding political systems 750602 - Understanding electoral systems 750603 - Federalism in Australia 750604 - Civics and citizenship 750605 - Public services management 750699 - Government and politics not elsewhere classified
This group covers R&D directed towards improving international relations. This group has five classes: 750701 - Understanding international relations 750702 - Understanding other countries 750703 - International organisations 750704 - International aid 750799 - International relations not elsewhere classified Exclusions: R&D directed towards: (a) international trade or international economic relations is included in Group 720300 International Trade Issues; and (b) international environmental protection issues is included in the appropriate groups in Subdivision 760000 Environmental Policy Frameworks and Other Aspects.
This group covers R&D directed towards heritage issues, such as preservation and urban and regional planning. This group has six classes: 750801 - Preserving the built environment 750802 - Preserving movable cultural heritage 750803 - Urban planning 750804 - Regional planning 750805 - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander heritage 750899 - Heritage not elsewhere classified
This group covers R&D directed towards the understanding of past societies. This group has two classes: 750901 - Understanding Australia's past 750902 - Understanding the pasts of other societies
This group covers R&D directed towards improving communication. This group has seven classes: 751001 - Languages and literature 751002 - Languages and literacy 751003 - Visual communication 751004 - The media 751005 - Communication across languages and culture 751006 - Managing collections 751099 - Communication not elsewhere classified
This group covers R&D directed towards social development and community services which are not elsewhere classified. It has the one Class: 759999 - Other social development and community services