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Classification Structure - Subdivision 670000 - Manufacturing (See Division 2, Introduction for more information)
Subdivision 670000 - Manufacturing, covers R&D directed towards refining and developing processes or strategies for transforming processed or unprocessed materials or components into new products.
670200 - Fibre Processing and Textiles; Footwear and Leather Products 670300 - Wood, Wood Products and Paper 670400 - Human Pharmaceutical Products 670500 - Veterinary Pharmaceutical Products 670600 - Agricultural Chemicals 670700 - Industrial Chemicals and Related Products 670800 - Basic Metal Products (Incl. Smelting) 670900 - Ceramics, Glass and Industrial Mineral Products 671000 - Fabricated Metal Products 671100 - Transport Equipment 671200 - Computer Hardware and Electronic Equipment 671300 - Communication Equipment 671400 - Instrumentation 671500 - Machinery and Equipment 671600 - Other Manufactured Products 671700 - Prevention and Treatment of Pollution Exclusions: R&D directed towards: (a) testing the performance, durability and life cycle of manufactured building materials delivered on construction sites is included in Subdivision 680000 Construction; and (b) environmental health factors in manufacturing is included in Subdivision 730000 Health, Group 730200 Public Health.
This group covers R&D directed towards the manufacture of processed plant and animal food products, such as meat, fruit, vegetable and dairy products, fish, oils and fats, grain, bakery and grain mill products, sugar, alcoholic beverages and soft drinks. This group has nine classes: 670101 - Carcass meat 670102 - Meat products 670103 - Fish products 670104 - Fruit and vegetable products (incl. fruit juices) 670105 - Dairy products 670106 - Oils and fats (incl. margarines) 670107 - Grain mill products, starch and starch products (incl. sugar, bakery products) 670108 - Beverages (e.g. alcohol, wines, soft drinks, excl. fruit juices) 670199 - Processed food products and beverages not elsewhere classified Exclusions: R&D directed towards 'clean production' to minimise emissions to the environment from manufacturing processes or towards protection of the production site is included in Group 671700 Prevention and Treatment of Pollution.
This group covers R&D directed towards processing natural or synthetic fibres and the manufacture of fabrics, clothing, ropes and twines, floor coverings and other made-up textile products. 670201 - Cotton ginning 670202 - Wool scouring and top making 670203 - Natural yarns and fabrics 670204 - Synthetic fibres, yarns and fabrics 670205 - Other fibre processing and textiles 670206 - Processed skins, leather and leather products not elsewhere classified 670207 - Clothing 670208 - Footwear 670299 - Other Exclusions: R&D directed towards 'clean production' to minimise emissions to the environment from manufacturing processes or towards protection of the production site is included in Group 671700 Prevention and Treatment of Pollution.
This group covers R&D directed towards processing hardwood and softwood, log sawmilling, wood chipping, timber dressing and the manufacture of wood products such as wooden structural fittings, plywood and veneer and particle boards of wood. 670301 - Hardwood sawing and veneer 670302 - Softwood sawing and veneer 670303 - Pulp and paper 670304 - Reconstituted products (e.g. chipboard, particle board) 670305 - Woodchips 670306 - Wood products not elsewhere classified 670307 - Paper products 670308 - Printing and publishing processes 670399 - Other Exclusions: R&D directed towards the: (a) harvest and transportation of logs and forest products is included in Group 620300 Forestry; (b) prefabrication of wooden buildings and the manufacture of wooden furniture is included in Group 671600 Other Manufactured Products; (c) 'clean production' to minimise emissions to the environment from manufacturing processes or towards protection of the production site is included in Group 671700 Prevention and Treatment of Pollution; and (d) printing and publishing of newspapers is included in Group 700300 Communication Services.
This group covers R&D directed towards the manufacture of pharmaceutical products for use in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of human diseases. This group has four classes: 670401 - Prevention - biologicals (e.g. vaccines) 670402 - Diagnostics 670403 - Treatments (e.g. chemicals, antibiotics) 670499 - Other Exclusions: R&D directed towards 'clean production' to minimise emissions to the environment from manufacturing processes or towards protection of the production site is included in Group 671700 Prevention and Treatment of Pollution.
This group covers R&D directed towards the manufacture of pharmaceutical products for use in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of veterinary diseases. This group has four classes: 670501 - Prevention - biologicals (e.g. vaccines) 670502 - Diagnostics 670503 - Treatments (e.g. chemicals, antibiotics) 670599 - Other (incl. production enhancement) Exclusions: R&D directed towards: (a) the manufacture of insecticides for sheep or cattle is included in Group 670600 Agricultural Chemicals; and (b) 'clean production' to minimise emissions to the environment from manufacturing processes or towards protection of the production site is included in Group 671700 Prevention and Treatment of Pollution.
This group covers R&D directed towards the manufacture of chemical fertilisers, pesticides, insecticides, weedicides and fungicides. This group has three classes: 670601 - Chemical fertilisers 670602 - Crop and animal protection chemicals 670699 - Agricultural chemicals not elsewhere classified Exclusions: R&D directed towards 'clean production' to minimise emissions to the environment from manufacturing processes or towards protection of the production site is included in Group 671700 Prevention and Treatment of Pollution.
This group covers R&D directed towards the manufacture of industrial gases, synthetic resins and synthetic rubber, rubber and plastic products, organic and inorganic industrial chemicals, inks, paints, explosive, soaps and other detergents, cosmetics and other toiletry products. 670701 - Industrial gases 670702 - Synthetic resins and rubber 670703 - Rubber products 670704 - Plastics in primary forms 670705 - Plastic products (incl. construction materials) 670706 - Organic industrial chemicals not elsewhere classified 670707 - Inorganic industrial chemicals 670708 - Paints 670709 - Soaps and cosmetics 670710 - Bituminous products 670711 - Lubricants 670799 - Other Exclusions: R&D directed towards the manufacture of: (a) human pharmaceutical products is included in Group 670400 Human Pharmaceutical Products; (b) veterinary pharmaceutical products is included in Group 670500 Veterinary Pharmaceutical Products; (c) agricultural chemicals is included in Group 670600 Agricultural Chemicals; and (d) 'clean production' to minimise emissions to the environment from manufacturing processes or towards protection of the production site is included in Group 671700 Prevention and Treatment of Pollution.
This group covers R&D directed towards the manufacture of ferrous and non-ferrous basic metal products, copper, lead, silver, zinc and other base metals, aluminium and precious metals. It includes R&D directed towards smelting. This group has four classes: 670801 - Iron and steel (e.g. ingots, bars, rods, shapes, sections) 670802 - Aluminium 670803 - Precious metals (e.g. refined bullion, wire and strip) 670899 - Other non-ferrous metals (e.g. copper, zinc) Exclusions: R&D directed towards: (a) alumina production and beneficiation of aluminium ores is included in Group 640300 First Stage Treatment of Ores and Minerals; and (b) 'clean production' to minimise emissions to the environment from manufacturing processes or towards protection of the production site is included in Group 671700 Prevention and Treatment of Pollution.
This group covers R&D directed towards the manufacture of ceramics, glass and glass products and industrial mineral products, including clay, cement and concrete products. 670901 - Ceramics 670902 - Structural glass and glass products 670903 - Clay products 670904 - Cement and concrete products 670999 - Ceramics, glass and industrial mineral products not elsewhere classified Exclusions: R&D directed towards: (a) 'clean production' to minimise emissions to the environment from manufacturing processes or towards protection of the production site is included in Group 671700 Prevention and Treatment of Pollution; and (b) testing the performance and durability of building materials is included in Group 680300 Materials Performance and Processes.
This group covers R&D directed towards the manufacture of structural and sheet metal products, castings, machined and semi-finished fabricated metal products. Examples of these products are structural steel, architectural aluminium and metal products, metal containers, sheet metal products including hand tools, general hardware, springs, nuts, rivets and non-ferrous pipe fittings. This group has six classes: 671001 - Structural metal products 671002 - Sheet metal products 671003 - Semi-finished products 671004 - Castings 671005 - Machined products 671099 - Fabricated metal products not elsewhere classified Exclusions: R&D directed towards: (a) the prefabrication of metal buildings and manufacture of sheet metal furniture is included in Group 671600 Other Manufactured Products; and (b) 'clean production' to minimise emissions to the environment from manufacturing processes or towards protection of the production site is included in Group 671700 Prevention and Treatment of Pollution.
This group covers R&D directed towards the manufacture of motor vehicles, railway rolling stock, aeroplanes, ships, boats and other transport equipment not elsewhere classified. 671101 - Automotive equipment 671102 - Rail equipment 671103 - Nautical equipment 671104 - Aerospace equipment 671199 - Transport equipment not elsewhere classified Exclusions: R&D directed towards 'clean production' to minimise emissions to the environment from manufacturing processes or towards protection of the production site is included in Group 671700 Prevention and Treatment of Pollution.
This group covers R&D directed towards the manufacture of computer hardware and electronic equipment used for offices, computing and integrated systems and computer peripherals. 671201 - Integrated circuits and devices 671202 - Modules - special and attached processors 671203 - Modules - other processes 671204 - Electronic office equipment 671205 - Computer equipment 671206 - Integrated systems 671299 - Computer hardware and electronic equipment not elsewhere classified Exclusions: R&D directed towards: (a) 'clean production' to minimise emissions to the environment from manufacturing processes or towards protection of the production site is included in Group 671700 Prevention and Treatment of Pollution; and (b) developing computer software and the provision of programming services is included in Group 700100 Computer Software and Services.
This group covers R&D directed towards the manufacture of communication equipment, including that used for broadcasting, electronic data, voice or image transmission, network transmission and switching equipment. This group has seven classes: 671301 - Broadcasting equipment 671302 - Postal equipment 671303 - Voice equipment 671304 - Data, image and text equipment 671305 - Network transmission equipment 671306 - Network switching equipment 671399 - Communication equipment not elsewhere classified Exclusions: R&D directed towards 'clean production' to minimise emissions to the environment from manufacturing processes or towards protection of the production site is included in Group 671700 Prevention and Treatment of Pollution.
This group covers R&D directed towards the manufacture of scientific, medical and industrial instrumentation, photographic equipment and other instrumentation. This group has five classes: 671401 - Scientific instrumentation 671402 - Medical instrumentation 671403 - Industrial instrumentation 671404 - Photographic equipment 671499 - Instrumentation not elsewhere classified Exclusions: R&D directed towards 'clean production' to minimise emissions to the environment from manufacturing processes or towards protection of the production site is included in Group 671700 Prevention and Treatment of Pollution.
This group covers R&D directed towards the manufacture of machinery and equipment and towards the manufacture of household appliances and other electrical equipment not classified elsewhere. This group has six classes: 671501 - Agricultural machinery and equipment 671502 - Mining machinery and equipment 671503 - Appliances and electrical machinery and equipment 671504 - Industrial machinery and equipment 671505 - Construction machinery and equipment 671599 - Machinery and equipment not elsewhere classified Exclusions: R&D directed towards 'clean production' to minimise emissions to the environment from manufacturing processes or towards protection of the production site is included in Group 671700 Prevention and Treatment of Pollution.
This group covers R&D directed towards the manufacture of tobacco products, furniture, prefabricated buildings and other products not classified elsewhere. This group has four classes: 671601 - Tobacco products 671602 - Furniture 671603 - Prefabricated buildings 671699 - Manufactured products not elsewhere classified Exclusions: R&D directed towards 'clean production' to minimise emissions to the environment from manufacturing processes or towards protection of the production site is included in Group 671700 Prevention and Treatment of Pollution.
This group covers R&D directed towards 'clean production' to minimise emissions to the environment from manufacturing processes or towards protection of the production site. This group has sixteen classes: 671701 - Processed food products and beverages 671702 - Fibre processing and textiles; footwear and leather products 671703 - Wood, wood products and paper 671704 - Human pharmaceutical products 671705 - Veterinary pharmaceutical products 671706 - Agricultural chemicals 671707 - Industrial chemicals and related products 671708 - Basic metal products (incl. smelting) 671709 - Ceramics, glass and industrial mineral products 671710 - Fabricated metal products 671711 - Transport equipment 671712 - Computer hardware and electronic equipment 671713 - Communication equipment 671714 - Instrumentation 671715 - Machinery and equipment 671716 - Other manufactured products