The Survey of Employee Earnings and Hours, most recently conducted in May 2002, collects information from a sample of employers about the earnings, hours and selected characteristics of their employees. The scope of the survey is all employing businesses in Australia (public and private sectors) except businesses primarily engaged in Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing; private households employing staff; and foreign embassies, consulates, etc. Self-employed persons are excluded if they do not employ any wage or salary earners. Further, employees are only considered to be in scope for this survey if they received pay for the reference period. Employees are out of scope if, during the reference period, they were members of the Australian permanent defence forces, or were based outside Australia, or were on workers' compensation and not paid through the payroll.
Sports and physical recreation data from the Survey of Employee Earnings and Hours differ from the census data in that the survey data refer to persons employed in sports and physical recreation industries, whereas the census data refer to persons employed in sports and physical recreation occupations. A person can work in a sports industry but not be employed in a sports occupation. A cleaner employed at a racecourse is an example of a non-sports occupation within a sports industry. Businesses are classified to a sports and physical recreation industry in accordance with Group 931 of the Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC). Group 931 Sport is part of Division P Cultural and Recreational Services. Included in Group 931 are Horse and dog racing, Sports grounds and facilities n.e.c. and Sports and services to sports n.e.c.
From the Survey of Employee Earnings and Hours it was estimated that, in May 2002, 61.7% of employees in sports and physical recreation industries worked part-time. By comparison, 30.7% of employees in all industries worked part-time.
The average weekly total earnings of persons employed in sports and physical recreation industries in May 2002 was $364.30. This was just over half of the average total earnings for persons employed in all industries ($697.60). Persons employed in sports and physical recreation industries also earned less (on average) than persons employed in other industries within ANZSIC Division P. The average total earnings for persons employed in all cultural and recreational services industries was $581.20, which was $216.90 higher than for persons employed only in sports and physical recreation.
Given the higher incidence of part-time workers in sports and physical recreation industries, the lower average total earnings of persons employed in these industries is as would be expected. However, the average earnings of full-time workers in sports and physical recreation industries was also substantially less per week than the average across all industries ($690.30, compared with $878.40). There were only two other industries where full-time workers earned less than those in sports and physical recreation industries, and those were Accommodation, cafes and restaurants ($650.60), and Retail trade ($657.20).
Full-time workers in sports and physical recreation industries not only earn less, but have also experienced lower increases in earnings over time. The average weekly total earnings of full-time workers in sports and physical recreation industries increased by 25.5% from $550.00 in May 1994 to $690.30 in May 2002, whereas the average weekly total earnings of all full-time workers increased by 37.0% over the same eight year period from $641.30 to $878.40.
|  |
 |  | MAY 1994 | MAY 1996 | MAY 1998 | MAY 2000 | MAY 2002 |  |
 |  | Average weekly ordinary time earnings | Average weekly total earnings | Average weekly ordinary time earnings | Average weekly total earnings | Average weekly ordinary time earnings | Average weekly total earnings | Average weekly ordinary time earnings | Average weekly total earnings | Average weekly ordinary time earnings | Average weekly total earnings |  |
 |  | $ | $ | $ | $ | $ | $ | $ | $ | $ | $ |  |
|  |
Males |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 | Full-time | 578.90 | 586.20 | 539.20 | 555.30 | 558.70 | 561.50 | 656.10 | 662.40 | 704.20 | 707.50 |  |
 | Part-time | 91.40 | 91.40 | 146.60 | 147.30 | 148.50 | 148.50 | 169.20 | 170.50 | 163.20 | 166.30 |  |
 | Total | 240.30 | 242.50 | 292.10 | 298.50 | 315.30 | 316.50 | 417.10 | 420.90 | 444.50 | 447.70 |  |
Females |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 | Full-time | 467.80 | 470.50 | 502.20 | 528.20 | 478.90 | 481.90 | 596.80 | 610.20 | 656.30 | 657.80 |  |
 | Part-time | 145.80 | 149.00 | 139.40 | 140.50 | 112.10 | 112.10 | 197.20 | 197.80 | 157.40 | 159.80 |  |
 | Total | 201.20 | 204.30 | 229.00 | 236.30 | 207.80 | 208.60 | 346.00 | 198.80 | 284.90 | 287.10 |  |
Persons |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 | Full-time | 544.20 | 550.00 | 525.60 | 545.40 | 533.00 | 535.90 | 628.90 | 638.40 | 687.60 | 690.30 |  |
 | Part-time | 118.10 | 119.60 | 142.90 | 143.80 | 131.00 | 131.00 | 186.00 | 186.80 | 159.60 | 162.30 |  |
 | Total | 222.80 | 225.40 | 262.70 | 269.50 | 269.50 | 270.50 | 378.90 | 383.50 | 361.60 | 364.30 |  |
|  |
Persons |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 | Full-time | 604.30 | 641.30 | 665.80 | 705.60 | 727.40 | 766.20 | 783.10 | 821.00 | 841.10 | 878.40 |  |
 | Part-time | 234.80 | 239.20 | 249.30 | 253.10 | 273.70 | 279.20 | 294.60 | 301.00 | 328.20 | 335.80 |  |
 | Total | 504.50 | 533.00 | 544.50 | 573.70 | 582.10 | 610.20 | 625.10 | 652.80 | 670.20 | 697.60 |  |
|  |
Source: ABS data available on request, Survey of Employee Earnings and Hours, May 2002. |