The average weekly household expenditure on selected sports and physical recreation products during 1998-99 was $11.03. This was 1.6% of the average of $700.10 spent each week on all products (table 6.1).
About half (48.1% or $5.30 per week) of sports and physical recreation expenditure was for Sports and physical recreation services. A further 39.8% ($4.39 per week) was spent on Sports, physical recreation and camping equipment, while the remaining 12.1% ($1.33 per week) went on Sports and recreation vehicles.
The individual categories of sports and physical recreation products for which average weekly expenditure was highest were Sports facility hire charges at $2.07; Swimming pools at $1.29; and Boats, their parts and accessories at $1.21.
Of the total expenditure by Australian households in 1998-99, $4,096.4m (1.6%) was spent on selected sports and physical recreation goods and services. Of this expenditure, $1,968.3m was on Sports and physical recreation services; $1,630.4m on Sports, physical recreation and camping equipment; and $493.9m on Sports and recreation vehicles.
|  |
 |  | Average household expenditure | Total household expenditure | Number of households reporting expenditure(a) |  |
 |  | $/week | $m/year | '000 |  |
|  |
Sports and recreation vehicles |  |  |  |  |
 | Bicycles | 0.12 | 44.6 | (b)111.5 |  |
 | Boats, their parts and accessories | *1.21 | *449.4 | (c)96.9 |  |
 | Total | *1.33 | *493.9 | 202.4 |  |
Sports, physical recreation and camping equipment |  |  |  |  |
 | Camping equipment | *0.33 | *122.6 | 59.1 |  |
 | Fishing equipment | 0.42 | 156.0 | 251.0 |  |
 | Golf equipment | 0.24 | 89.1 | 102.1 |  |
 | Sports or physical recreation footwear | 1.03 | 382.5 | 246.1 |  |
 | Swimming pools | 1.29 | 479.1 | (b)50.7 |  |
 | Other sports and physical recreation equipment | 1.08 | 401.1 | 360.3 |  |
 | Total | 4.39 | 1 630.4 | 946.7 |  |
Sports and physical recreation services |  |  |  |  |
 | Hire of sports equipment | *0.12 | *44.6 | 65.0 |  |
 | Health and fitness studio charges | 0.55 | 204.3 | 202.0 |  |
 | Sporting club subscriptions | 0.96 | 356.5 | 186.8 |  |
 | Spectator admission fees to sport | 0.73 | 271.1 | 362.3 |  |
 | Sports facility hire charges | 2.07 | 768.8 | 1 373.7 |  |
 | Sports lessons | 0.87 | 323.1 | 268.3 |  |
 | Total | 5.30 | 1 968.3 | 1 931.2 |  |
Total expenditure on selected sports and physical recreation products | 11.03 | 4 096.4 | 2 556.1 |  |
Total expenditure on all products(d) | 700.10 | 260 006.4 | 7 121.8 |  |
|  |
* estimate has a relative standard error of 25% to 50% and should be used with caution |
(a) Households reporting expenditure in the two-week enumeration period unless otherwise noted. |
(b) Households reporting expenditure in the 12 months prior to interview. |
(c) Households reporting expenditure in the 12 months or two weeks prior to interview for different commodities within this category. |
(d) This expenditure is slightly larger than that shown in the equivalent table for other leisure products (see Other leisure products). This is because it includes in-ground swimming pools. Expenditure on these is usually excluded from household expenditure on products and instead treated separately as part of capital housing costs. |
Source: ABS data available on request, Household Expenditure Survey, 1998-99. |
Table 6.2 presents a comparison of both average weekly and total annual expenditures on sports and physical recreation products at constant prices for 1993-94 and 1998-99. To enable this comparison, the expenditure data for 1993-94 has been converted to 1998-99 prices using the Consumer Price Index (CPI).
Overall, the average weekly expenditure remained virtually unchanged. For 1993-94 the estimate was $8.96, while for 1998-99 it was $8.91. However, this resulted from falls in some areas of expenditure being balanced by an increase in another. Expenditure on Sports, physical recreation and camping equipment at $2.28 was 17.4% lower in 1998-99 than the $2.76 recorded for 1993-94. The fall for Sports and physical recreation services was 6.4% to $5.30 from $5.66. The balancing increase came from Sports and recreation vehicles which rose 141.8% to $1.33 from $0.55.
Despite average weekly household expenditure on sports and physical recreation products being virtually unchanged from 1993-94 to 1998-99, the total annual expenditure on these products by all households rose 7.0% from $3,091.1m to $3,309.0m. This increase came about because of a 7.6% rise in the number of households in Australia (from 6.6m in 1993-94 to 7.1m in 1998-99). By comparison, there was a 13.3% increase in total annual expenditure on all products over this period from $229,178.8m to $259,586.7m.
6.2 EXPENDITURE ON SELECTED SPORTS AND PHYSICAL RECREATION PRODUCTS, At constant prices(a) - 1993-94 and 1998-99 |
|  |
 | 1993-94 | 1998-99 | 1993-94 | 1998-99 |  |
 | $/week | $/week | $m/year | $m/year |  |
|  |
Sports and recreation vehicles | *0.55 | *1.33 | *188.2 | *493.9 |  |
Sports, physical recreation and camping equipment(b)(c) | 2.76 | 2.28 | 951.1 | 846.8 |  |
Sports and physical recreation services | 5.66 | 5.30 | 1 951.8 | 1 968.3 |  |
Total expenditure on selected sports and physical recreation products(b)(c) | 8.96 | 8.91 | 3 091.1 | 3 309.0 |  |
Total expenditure on all products(d) | 664.28 | 698.97 | 229 178.8 | 259 586.7 |  |
|  |
* estimate has a relative standard error of 25% to 50% and should be used with caution |
(a) At 1998-99 prices. |
(b) Excludes sports and leisure footwear because it was part of the general footwear expenditure item for 1993-94. However, specialist sports shoes are included. |
(c) Excludes swimming pools because in-ground swimming pools were not included in the CPI in 1993-94. |
(d) Excludes in-ground swimming pools because they were not included in the CPI in 1993-94. However, above-ground swimming pools are included in this total. |
Source: ABS data available on request, Household Expenditure Survey, 1993-94 and 1998-99. |