Consultancy request form

Submit this form if you are requesting a paid information consultancy from the ABS Consultancy Service. The minimum cost of a consultancy is $650.

For general enquiries please use the General enquiry form.

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We will not share your details with anyone outside the ABS. Please see the ABS Privacy Policy and Collection Notice for more information.

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.
Enter the email address that we can use to contact you about your query.
Enter the phone number that we can use to contact you about your query.
Enquiry topic
Select one or more topics relating to the enquiry. If the topic is not available please use the General enquiry form.
Please provide a detailed description of the data you require - data variables, geography, time series (monthly, quarterly, annually)
By completing this form, I am requesting a quotation for a paid information consultancy. There is no obligation to accept the quote received. The ABS reserves the right to charge for time spent preparing large or complex quotes. If this quotation charge is to be applied, you will be contacted for your approval before any work begins. While every care will be taken to prepare as accurate a quote as possible, the ABS reserves the right to vary the final invoice charge in line with the actual cost of undertaking the consultancy. Customers outside Australia will not receive data until the final invoice is paid.
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