 |  |
|  |
 | 0419 |
|  |
 | 2111 |
Abattoir operation (except poultry slaughter house)
|  |
 | 2112 |
Abattoir operation (poultry)
|  |
 | 4539 |
Abrasives dealing (except abrasive cleansers)
|  |
 | 2640 |
|  |
 | 1420 |
|  |
 | 4623 |
Accessory shops operation
|  |
 | 7422 |
Accident insurance provision
|  |
 | 9629 |
Accident prevention association operation
|  |
 | 8721 |
Accommodation for the aged operation
|  |
 | 7842 |
|  |
 | 9621 |
Accountants association operation
|  |
 | 7842 |
|  |
 | 2532 |
|  |
 | 2535 |
|  |
 | 2534 |
|  |
 | 4523 |
|  |
 | 2640 |
Acoustic tiles, panels or boards, mfg (glass or mineral wool)
|  |
 | 2632 |
Acoustic tiles, plaster, mfg
|  |
 | 7520 |
|  |
 | 8639 |
|  |
 | 7863 |
Address list compiling service
|  |
 | 7863 |
|  |
 | 2549 |
Adhesive mfg (except bituminous)
|  |
 | 2520 |
Adhesive, bituminous, mfg
|  |
 | 4523 |
|  |
 | 8729 |
|  |
 | 8729 |
Adult day care centre operation
|  |
 | 7851 |
Advertising agency service
|  |
 | 7851 |
Advertising placement service
|  |
 | 7851 |
Advertising preparation service
|  |
 | 7851 |
Advertising service (except sale of advertising space in own publications or broadcasts)
|  |
 | 7851 |
Advertising space selling (on a commission or fee basis)
|  |
 | 7841 |
|  |
 | 4716 |
Aerated waters wholesaling
|  |
 | 7851 |
Aerial advertising service
|  |
 | 8633 |
|  |
 | 0213 |
Aerial crop spraying or dusting
|  |
 | 0213 |
Aerial fertiliser spreading
|  |
 | 0213 |
|  |
 | 0213 |
Aerial pasture spraying or dusting
|  |
 | 0213 |
Aerial pest control or baiting
|  |
 | 7822 |
Aerial photography service
|  |
 | 0213 |
|  |
 | 7822 |
|  |
 | 0213 |
|  |
 | 4121 |
Aerodrome runway construction
|  |
 | 7810 |
Aeronautical research institution operation (except university)
|  |
 | 2751 |
|  |
 | 2546 |
|  |
 | 1419 |
|  |
 | 0219 |
|  |
 | 4519 |
Agricultural chemicals wholesaling
|  |
 | 8423 |
Agricultural high school operation (combined primary/secondary school)
|  |
 | 8422 |
Agricultural high school operation (except combined primary/ secondary school)
|  |
 | 2861 |
Agricultural implements mfg (except garden tools)
|  |
 | 4611 |
Agricultural implements wholesaling
|  |
 | 7743 |
Agricultural machinery leasing
|  |
 | 2861 |
Agricultural machinery or equipment mfg
|  |
 | 4611 |
Agricultural machinery wholesaling
|  |
 | 2623 |
Agricultural pipes, ceramic, mfg
|  |
 | 7810 |
Agricultural research institution operation (except university)
|  |
 | 0219 |
Agricultural services n.e.c.
|  |
 | 2866 |
|  |
 | 2813 |
Air conditioners, automotive, mfg
|  |
 | 5261 |
Air conditioners, household, repairing
|  |
 | 5234 |
Air conditioners, household, retailing
|  |
 | 4731 |
Air conditioners, room, wholesaling
|  |
 | 4233 |
Air conditioning duct work installation
|  |
 | 4233 |
Air conditioning equipment installation (except motor vehicle air conditioning equipment)
|  |
 | 2867 |
Air conditioning equipment mfg (except room or motor vehicle air conditioners)
|  |
 | 4615 |
Air conditioning equipment, electric commercial, wholesaling
|  |
 | 4619 |
Air conditioning equipment, non-electric commercial, wholesaling
|  |
 | 6402 |
Air transport service (scheduled domestic)
|  |
 | 6401 |
Air transport service (scheduled international)
|  |
 | 6403 |
Air transport terminal operation (for non-scheduled air transport; except airports)
|  |
 | 6402 |
Air transport terminal operation (for scheduled domestic air transport; except airports)
|  |
 | 6401 |
Air transport terminal operation (for scheduled international air transport; except airports)
|  |
 | 6403 |
Aircraft charter, lease or rental (with crew; for use in non-scheduled air transport)
|  |
 | 6402 |
Aircraft charter, lease or rental (with crew; for use in scheduled domestic air transport)
|  |
 | 6401 |
Aircraft charter, lease or rental (with crew; for use in scheduled international air transport)
|  |
 | 2824 |
Aircraft engine building or repairing
|  |
 | 7742 |
|  |
 | 2824 |
Airframe building and repair
|  |
 | 6122 |
|  |
 | 6630 |
Airport operation (civil; except air transport terminals)
|  |
 | 6630 |
|  |
 | 1420 |
|  |
 | 4234 |
Alarm system, fire, installation
|  |
 | 2849 |
Alarm systems, electric or electronic, mfg
|  |
 | 4615 |
Alarm systems, electric or electronic, wholesaling
|  |
 | 2411 |
|  |
 | 4523 |
Alcohol, industrial, wholesaling
|  |
 | 2183 |
Alcoholic beverages mfg n.e.c.
|  |
 | 5123 |
Alcoholic beverages retailing (for consumption off the premises only)
|  |
 | 4717 |
Alcoholic beverages wholesaling
|  |
 | 8729 |
Alcoholics anonymous operation
|  |
 | 7422 |
All risks insurance provision
|  |
 | 8622 |
|  |
 | 1314 |
|  |
 | 0119 |
|  |
 | 2813 |
|  |
 | 1420 |
|  |
 | 2721 |
|  |
 | 2722 |
Aluminium alloys mfg (from primary aluminium smelted at the same unit)
|  |
 | 2731 |
Aluminium foil, household, mfg
|  |
 | 2742 |
Aluminium framed doors, glazed, mfg
|  |
 | 2722 |
Aluminium from scrap recovery
|  |
 | 2535 |
|  |
 | 1312 |
|  |
 | 2731 |
Aluminium rolling, drawing or extruding
|  |
 | 2722 |
Aluminium smelting (from alumina)
|  |
 | 1420 |
|  |
 | 2812 |
|  |
 | 8633 |
|  |
 | 2531 |
Ammonia aqua, fertiliser grade, mfg
|  |
 | 2535 |
Ammonia mfg (except fertiliser grade)
|  |
 | 2531 |
|  |
 | 2531 |
Ammonium phosphate fertiliser mfg
|  |
 | 2531 |
|  |
 | 2769 |
|  |
 | 5241 |
|  |
 | 4793 |
|  |
 | 2849 |
Amplifiers, audio-frequency, mfg
|  |
 | 2869 |
|  |
 | 7743 |
Amusement machines, coin operated, hiring
|  |
 | 9330 |
Amusement park or arcade operation
|  |
 | 8622 |
Anaesthetist (own account)
|  |
 | 2129 |
Anhydrous milkfat mfg (butteroil)
|  |
 | 8640 |
|  |
 | 8113 |
Animal control (Local Government)
|  |
 | 2174 |
Animal feed, prepared, mfg (except uncanned meat or bone meal or protein enriched skim milk powder)
|  |
 | 2174 |
|  |
 | 8640 |
Animal hospital operation
|  |
 | 2111 |
Animal meat packing and freezing (except poultry)
|  |
 | 2111 |
Animal oils or fats, unrefined, mfg
|  |
 | 2140 |
Animal oils, refined, mfg
|  |
 | 0219 |
|  |
 | 2531 |
Animal or vegetable fertiliser mfg
|  |
 | 8640 |
Animal quarantine station operation
|  |
 | 2221 |
|  |
 | 5259 |
|  |
 | 2764 |
|  |
 | 2543 |
|  |
 | 2543 |
|  |
 | 2543 |
|  |
 | 2549 |
|  |
 | 1319 |
|  |
 | 2729 |
|  |
 | 5231 |
Antique reproduction furniture retailing
|  |
 | 5252 |
Antiques retailing or auctioning
|  |
 | 2543 |
|  |
 | 7711 |
Apartments (except holiday apartments) renting or leasing
|  |
 | 4112 |
|  |
 | 0115 |
|  |
 | 7412 |
Approved deposit fund (superannuation) operation
|  |
 | 0116 |
|  |
 | 9231 |
|  |
 | 8120 |
Arbitration court operation
|  |
 | 9231 |
|  |
 | 2942 |
|  |
 | 7821 |
|  |
 | 9621 |
Architects association operation
|  |
 | 2742 |
Architectural aluminium products mfg
|  |
 | 7821 |
Architectural consultancy service (except construction project management)
|  |
 | 2749 |
Architectural metal products mfg (except aluminium)
|  |
 | 9210 |
|  |
 | 8423 |
Area school operation (combined primary/ secondary school)
|  |
 | 8200 |
Armed forces unit operation (except manufacturing or educational)
|  |
 | 7864 |
|  |
 | 0169 |
|  |
 | 2151 |
|  |
 | 5259 |
Art gallery operation (retail)
|  |
 | 9220 |
|  |
 | 2629 |
|  |
 | 2423 |
|  |
 | 8440 |
Art school operation n.e.c.
|  |
 | 9321 |
|  |
 | 0219 |
Artificial insemination services
|  |
 | 2832 |
|  |
 | 2832 |
|  |
 | 2832 |
|  |
 | 9242 |
|  |
 | 5243 |
Artists' supplies retailing
|  |
 | 4795 |
Artists' supplies wholesaling
|  |
 | 2413 |
Artwork preparation service
|  |
 | 4539 |
Asbestos cement sheets, pipes or boards dealing
|  |
 | 4121 |
|  |
 | 9629 |
Associations operation (for promotion of community or sectional interests) n.e.c.
|  |
 | 9529 |
|  |
 | 9312 |
|  |
 | 2151 |
|  |
 | 7869 |
|  |
 | 7869 |
Auctioning service (except real estate, wool or livestock)
|  |
 | 5235 |
|  |
 | 2430 |
Audio tapes, pre-recorded, mfg or publishing
|  |
 | 8639 |
|  |
 | 7842 |
|  |
 | 7842 |
|  |
 | 5322 |
Auto-electrician operation
|  |
 | 2635 |
Autoclaved aerated concrete products mfg
|  |
 | 9629 |
Automobile association operation
|  |
 | 4623 |
Automotive air conditioning dealing or installation
|  |
 | 5322 |
Automotive battery retailing
|  |
 | 4623 |
Automotive battery wholesaling
|  |
 | 5321 |
|  |
 | 2564 |
Automotive components mfg n.e.c. (fibre reinforced plastic)
|  |
 | 2566 |
Automotive components, plastic, mfg
|  |
 | 2813 |
Automotive electrical components mfg (except batteries)
|  |
 | 2813 |
Automotive electrical components, factory reconditioning
|  |
 | 2610 |
|  |
 | 2819 |
Automotive parts mfg n.e.c.
|  |
 | 2510 |
|  |
 | 9231 |
|  |
 | 2824 |
Avionics equipment repairing n.e.c.
|  |
 | 0119 |
|  |
 | 4539 |
Awnings wholesaling (except textile)
|  |
 | 4259 |
Awnings installation or repair
|  |
 | 5231 |
|  |
 | 4721 |
Awnings, textile, wholesaling
|  |
 | 2769 |
|  |
 | 2221 |
|  |