This document was added or updated on 28/11/2012.
Other products
34. A range of other ANZSIC products and services are currently available, including unformatted ASCII text versions of the concordances between the ANZSIC and the ASIC the ANZSIC and the NZSIC and the ANZSIC and the ISIC and other extracts from the original publication on floppy disk. A comprehensive alphabetic index, the ANZSIC - Alphabetic Coding Index (ABS Catalogue No. 1293.0; NZ Catalogue No. 19.067.0000) and a computer assisted package - the (ANZSIC) Coder (ABS Catalogue No. 1290.0; NZ Catalogue No. 19.073.0000) may be useful to users who regularly code industial activities.
35. The alphabetic coding index is designed to code business units from descriptive information about their activities. It is a much more extensive index of primary activities than the Index of Primary Activities included in this publication however it has not been revised since 1994.
36. The ANZSIC Coder is a user friendly, PC based lookup tool for the ANZSIC that operates in the Windows environment and can be networked on a LAN. The software enables a user to search on all or part of a word or a numeric code which the Coder will match to entries within its data file. It displays a list of all entries, complete with their relevant ANZSIC codes. Selection of a particular class returned by the search will cause the Division to Class hierarchy for that class to be displayed. Selection of any level of that hierarchy results in the full category description (including qualifications) being displayed for that level of the hierarchy. The industry activities recognised by the Coder are regularly updated from queries and new activities identified within the operations section of the ABS.
37. The ABS is able to tailor the ANZSIC Coder to meet specific user requirements and to provide training in its use. Normal ABS consultancy rates would be negotiated for these specialised services.
Further information
38. For more information about the ANZSIC classification:
- In Australia, contact the National Information and Referral Service on 1300 135 070 or use the 'Contact Us' page on the ABS website.
- In New Zealand, see or contact the Information Consultancy Group.
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