The ABS uses an economic statistics units model on the Australian Bureau of Statistics Business Register (ABSBR) to describe the characteristics of businesses and the structural relationships between related businesses.
Within large and diverse business groups, the units model is also used to define reporting units that can provide data to the ABS at suitable levels of detail. The units model can be used to produce counts of businesses from the ABSBR.
11.1 Counts of businesses by industry, ACT - June 2006 |
|  |
 | Employment size range |  |  |  |  |
 | 1 - 19 | 20-199 | 200+ | Total
employing | Non
employing | Total |  |
 | no. | no. | no. | no. | no. | no. |  |
|  |
Agriculture, forestry and fishing | 129 | 6 | - | 135 | 513 | 648 |  |
Mining | 5 | - | - | 5 | 17 | 22 |  |
Manufacturing | 340 | 46 | 5 | 391 | 470 | 861 |  |
Electricity, gas and water supply | - | - | - | - | 16 | 16 |  |
Construction | 1 250 | 71 | - | 1 321 | 3 198 | 4 519 |  |
Wholesale trade | 260 | 45 | - | 305 | 289 | 594 |  |
Retail trade | 1 267 | 269 | 9 | 1 545 | 1 008 | 2 553 |  |
Accommodation, cafes and restaurants | 413 | 197 | 9 | 619 | 186 | 805 |  |
Transport and storage | 204 | 16 | 3 | 223 | 959 | 1 182 |  |
Communication services | 83 | 13 | - | 96 | 172 | 268 |  |
Finance and insurance | 409 | 22 | 4 | 435 | 998 | 1 433 |  |
Property and business services | 2 898 | 243 | 15 | 3 156 | 4 554 | 7 710 |  |
Education | 106 | 18 | - | 124 | 213 | 337 |  |
Health and community services | 729 | 87 | 6 | 822 | 680 | 1 502 |  |
Cultural and recreational services | 211 | 46 | 3 | 260 | 458 | 718 |  |
Personal and other services | 343 | 30 | - | 373 | 453 | 826 |  |
All industries | 8 643 | 1 104 | 57 | 9 804 | 14 187 | 23 994 |  |
|  |
- nil or rounded to zero (including null cells) |
Counts of Australian Businesses, including Entries and Exits, Jun 2003 to Jun 2006 (cat. no. 8165.0), Data cubes. |
Following feedback from users of the 2005 release of business counts, the numbers of active businesses have been published rather than all entities carrying out economic activity. At June 2005 there were 23,994 ACT businesses on the ABSBR. Of those businesses, 9,804 (41%) were employing, with 14,187 (59%) non-employing. Nationally, there were 1,963,907 businesses on the ABSBR, of which 40% were employing businesses and 60% were non-employing businesses.
Of ACT employing businesses, the Property and business services industry had the greatest number of employing businesses with 3,156 (32%), followed by Retail trade with 1,545 (16%) and Construction with 1,321 (13%). For non-employing businesses, the greatest number of businesses were also in Property and business services (4,554 or 32%), followed by Construction (3,198 or 23%) and Retail trade (1,008 or 7%).
The majority of employing businesses in the ACT (88% or 8,643 businesses) had less than twenty employees. Around one in ten (11% or 1,104 businesses) had between 20 and 199 employees, while less than 1% (57 businesses) had 200 employees or more.
In the year to June 2006, NSW and ACT had the lowest net growth in number of businesses of any state or territory (each 0.4%). The ACT had the second lowest survival rate for businesses operating, from June 2003 to June 2006, of any state or territory (62.0%), with the Northern Territory recording the lowest survival rate (60.4%).