1387.3 - Queensland in Review, 2003
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 01/12/2005 Ceased
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Queensland Regional Profile data for Fitzroy, Central West, Mackay, Northern, Far North and North West Statistical Divisions (SDs) and for Local Government Areas (LGAs) in these SDs can be found on the following web pages. The LGAs are provided in alphabetical order, within their respective SD. Other Queensland Statistical Divisions (includes the statistical divisions of Fitzroy, Central West, Mackay, Northern, Far North, and North West). Fitzroy
Jericho (S) to Woorabinda (AC) (includes Jericho (S), Livingstone (S), Mount Morgan (S), Peak Downs (S), Rockhampton (C), Woorabinda (AC))
Ilfracombe (S) to Winton (S) (includes Ilfracombe (S), Isisford (S), Longreach (S), Tambo (S), Winton (S)) Mackay LGAs (includes Belyando (S), Bowen (S), Broadsound (S), Mackay (C), Mirani (S), Nebo (S), Sarina (S), Whitsunday (S)) Northern LGAs (includes Burdekin (S), Charters Towers (C), Dalrymple (S), Hinchinbrook (S), Palm Island (AC) Thuringowa (C), Townsville (C)) Far North
Croydon (S) to Hope Vale (AC) (includes Croydon (S), Dauan (IC), Douglas (S), Eacham (S), Erub (IC), Etheridge (S), Hammond (IC), Herberton (S), Hope Vale (AC)) Iama (IC) to Mapoon (AC) (includes Iama (IC), Injinoo (AC), Johnstone (S), Kowanyama (AC), Kubin (IC), Lockhart River (AC), Maibuiag (IC), Mapoon (AC)) Mareeba (S) to St Pauls (IC) (includes Mareeba (S), Mer (IC), Napranum (AC), New Mapoon (AC), Pormpuraaw (AC), Poruma (IC), Saibai (IC), Seisia (IC), St Pauls (IC)) Torres (S) to Yorke (IC) (includes Torres (S), Ugar (IC), Umagico (AC), Warraber (IC), Weipa (T), Wujal Wujal (AC), Yarrabah (AC), Yorke (IC)) Further Queensland Regional Profile links are available on the following pages: 2005 Queensland Regional Profiles Main page Explanatory Notes Glossary Back to top