1216.0 - Australian Standard Geographical Classification (ASGC), 2001
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 28/09/2001
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21 Melbourne
2102 Outer Western Melbourne
2106 North Western Melbourne
2108 Inner Melbourne
2112 North Eastern Melbourne
2116 Inner Eastern Melbourne
2120 Southern Melbourne
2124 Outer Eastern Melbourne
2126 South Eastern Melbourne
2128 Mornington Peninsula
29 Balance of Victoria
2964 Barwon-Western District
2968 Central Highlands-Wimmera
2972 Loddon-Mallee
2974 Goulburn-Ovens-Murray
2976 All Gippsland (c)
31 Brisbane
3104 Brisbane City Inner Ring
3108 Brisbane City Outer Ring
3112 South and East BSD Balance
3116 North and West BSD Balance
39 Balance of Queensland
3964 South and East Moreton
3968 North and West Moreton
3972 Wide Bay-Burnett
3976 Darling Downs-South West
3980 Mackay-Fitzroy-Central West
3984 Northern-North West
3988 Far North (d)
41 Adelaide
4104 Northern Adelaide
4108 Western Adelaide
4112 Eastern Adelaide
4116 Southern Adelaide
49 Balance of South Australia
4964 Northern and Western SA (e)
4968 Southern and Eastern SA (f)
(a) Consists of Far West, North Western and Off-Shore Areas and Migratory SDs.
(b) Consists of Murray and Murrumbidgee SDs.
(c) Consists of East Gippsland, Gippsland and Off-Shore Areas and Migratory SDs.
(d) Consists of Far North and Off-Shore Areas and Migratory SDs.
(e) Consists of Yorke and Lower North, Eyre and Northern SDs.
(f) Consists of Outer Adelaide, Murray Lands, South East and Off-Shore Areas and Migratory SDs.
(g) Consists of South West, Lower Great Southern and Upper Great Southern SDs.
(h) Consists of Kimberley, Pilbara, Central, Midlands, South Eastern and Off-Shore Areas and Migratory SDs.