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Appendix E. Table of data requirements - Data frequencies
Appendix E. Table of data requirements - Data frequencies
In order to find savings with which to fund improvements to the SMVU (as outlined in sections 2.3 Data Volatility and 3.1 Data frequency), it may be feasible to collect some data items less frequently. The purpose of this appendix is to identify which data items may be collected less frequently. This will assist in prioritising enhancements to the survey (should they be recommended) during the second phase of the review. Would you please respond by filling in the tables, as indicated below, and faxing them to Mary-Anne Stewart on (07) 3222 6161.
Instructions for table 1
Please indicate the minimum required frequency (ie 1 year, 2 years or 5 years), by data item in Table 1. If a particular data item (or level of dissaggregation) is not used by your organisation, then please populate this cell with 'NA'. If your organisation believes a particular data item (or level of dissaggregation) is not required to be collected then please indicate this with a cross.
Table 1 Minimum required frequency of data items
Instructions for table 2
Could you please indicate the importance of the key SMVU data items to your organisation by assigning a number in the 'Rank' column of table 2. Please also indicate which levels of dissaggregation are of most importance by placing a cross in the relevant cell (preferably no more than two crosses per data item). Additional data items can be added in the bottom rows should they be required.
Table 2 Data item rank