1266.0 - Australian Standard Classification of Religious Groups (ASCRG), 1996
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 06/11/1996
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2803 C and MA
2111 C of C
5011 Cabbalist
7010 Calathumpian
2807 Calvary Gospel Mission
2499 Calvary Life Assemblies
2251 Calvinist
2031 Calvinist Baptist
2251 Calvinist Protestant
2805 Calvinistic Independent
2251 Calvinistic Methodist
2111 Campbellite
0003 Cannot say
6991 Caodaism
2899 Capital Bible Church
2071 Catechumen
6999 Cathari
2499 Cathedral of Love Ministries
2071 Catholic
2999 Catholic Apostolic Church
2071 Catholic Apostolic Roman
2071 Catholic Charismatic
2071 Catholic Church in Australia
2011 Catholic Church of England
2073 Catholic Church of Greek Rite
2071 Catholic Church of Rome
2211 Catholic Church of the East
2079 Catholic Eastern Rites
2074 Catholic of Ukranian Rite
2999 Catholic Traditionalist Movement
2999 Catholic Traditionalist Movement (Pius X Society)
2011 Catholic (Anglican)
2071 CC
2903 CCS
2011 CE
2079 Chaldean
2079 Chaldean Catholic
2000 Chapel, nai
2400 Charismatic Christian
2400 Charismatic, nai
5011 Chassidic Movement
2807 Children of God
2899 China Inland Mission
2899 China Mission Church
2806 Chinese Christian Church
2806 Chinese Christian Church of Brisbane
6053 Chinese Joss
2806 Chinese Methodist Church in Australia
6053 Chinese Religion
6053 Chingist (One of Change)
3011 Chinmaya Mission South
4011 Chistii Sufism
0002 Choose for himself
2111 Christ Church
2011 Christ Church of England
2911 Christ Truth League
2902 Christadelphian Ecclesia
2902 Christadelphians
2000 Christian
2999 Christian Action for Peace
2803 Christian and Missionary Alliance
2001 Christian Apostolic
2911 Christian Assembly
2999 Christian Baba Head
2000 Christian Belief
2407 Christian Bible Crusade
2999 Christian Bible Student
2999 Christian Bible Students (New Covenant Fellowship)
2051 Christian Brethren
2051 Christian Brotherhood
2071 Christian Catholic
2999 Christian Catholic Church of Zion
2999 Christian Chapel
2899 Christian Church Assembly
2499 Christian Church of Australia
2807 Christian Church of South Australia, Inc.
2999 Christian Churches of God
2000 Christian Church, nai
2404 Christian City Church
2404 Christian City Churches International
6996 Christian Community
2999 Christian Connexion
2000 Christian Denomination
2899 Christian Disciples
2899 Christian Endeavour
2000 Christian Existentialist
2408 Christian Faith Centre
2000 Christian Faith, nai
2499 Christian Family Centre
2499 Christian Fellowship
2499 Christian Fellowship Centres International Inc.
2000 Christian Free Thinker
2051 Christian Gatherings (New Testament Assemblies)
2499 Christian Good News Centre
2212 Christian Gregorian Church
2999 Christian Home Group
2999 Christian Independent
2999 Christian Israelite Church
2999 Christian Liberal Independent
2405 Christian Life Centre
2405 Christian Life Churches International
2000 Christian Metaphysician
2899 Christian Mission
2899 Christian Nazarene
2000 Christian Non-denominational
2230 Christian Orthodox Church
2406 Christian Outreach Centres
2406 Christian Outreach Pentecostal
2406 Christian Outreach, nai
2000 Christian Pantheist
2400 Christian Pentecostal
2800 Christian Protestant
2000 Christian Rationalist
2252 Christian Reformed Church
2999 Christian Renewal
2400 Christian Revival
2407 Christian Revival Crusade
2413 Christian Revival Pentecostal
2000 Christian Revolutionary
2000 Christian School of Life
2903 Christian Science
2903 Christian Scientist
2000 Christian Socialist
2999 Christian Spiritual Church
2999 Christian Spiritualist
2999 Christian Theosophist
2000 Christian Walking in Separation
2000 Christianity
2000 Christian, nai
2051 Christ's Brethren
2899 Christ's Community Church
2000 Christ's Follower
2000 Christ, nai
2899 Church Mission
2899 Church of All Denominations Scotland
2999 Church of Ascension
2000 Church of Australia
2331 Church of Australia Uniting
2000 Church of Canada
2999 Church of China
2112 Church of Christ Non-denominational
2903 Church of Christ Scientist
2111 Church of Christ Tabernacle
2112 Church of Christ Undenominational
2999 Church of Christ (Iglesia Ni Christo)
2051 Church of Christ's Brethren
2111 Church of Christ, nai
2999 Church of Czechoslovakia
2999 Church of David
2171 Church of Denmark
2999 Church of Divine Unity
2011 Church of England
2011 Church of England in Australia
2011 Church of England (Ireland)
2311 Church of God Adventist
2999 Church of God in Jesus Christ
2999 Church of God International
2499 Church of God of Prophecy
2999 Church of God (Seventh Day)
2999 Church of God (Seventh Day) - Messianic Jews
2999 Church of God, nai
2999 Church of Immigrants
2011 Church of Ireland
2151 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons)
2000 Church of Jesus Christ, nai
6999 Church of Light
2999 Church of Living God
0002 Church of Living, nai
2171 Church of Luther
2171 Church of Norway
2011 Church of NZ
2999 Church of Origin
0002 Church of Peace
2071 Church of Poland
6171 Church of Psychic Survival
6992 Church of Scientology
2251 Church of Scotland
2011 Church of South Africa
2331 Church of South India
2071 Church of Spain
6999 Church of Spiritual Truth
2171 Church of Sweden
2211 Church of the East
2499 Church of the First Born
2999 Church of the Kingdom of God (Friends of Man)
6996 Church of the Mystic Christ Inc.
2804 Church of the Nazarene
2252 Church of the Netherlands
6992 Church of the New Faith
2907 Church of the New Jerusalem
2499 Church of the Open Door
2999 Church of the Resurrection
2999 Church of the St Germain Foundation
2999 Church of the True Christians
2911 Church of the Truth
6999 Church of the World
2806 Church of Tonga
2000 Church of Turkey
2011 Church of Wales
6996 Church Universal and Triumphant
2111 Churches of Christ Holiness
2903 Churches of Christ Scientist
2111 Churches of Christ (Conference)
2111 Churches of Christ (Disciples)
2999 Churches of God
2499 Churches of God in Australia Inc.
2051 Churches of God in the Fellowship of the Son of God the Lord Jesus Christ
2051 Churches of God (Hopkins, Needed Truth, Spring of Truth)
2404 City Church
2999 City Mission
2405 CLC
2803 CMA
2000 COA
2499 COC Pentecostal
2011 COE
2331 Combined Churches
2331 Combined Protestant
2331 Combined, nai
2407 Commonwealth Revival Crusade
2899 Community Church
2907 Conference of the New Church in Australia
6052 Confucianism
6052 Confucius
2331 Congregation Methodist
2912 Congregation of Friends
2805 Congregational
2031 Congregational Baptist
2805 Congregational Church of Christ
2805 Congregational Church of Samoa
2805 Congregational Church of Scotland
2805 Congregational Independent
2805 Congregational Union of Australia
2806 Constitutional Church of Tonga
2805 Continuing Congregationalists
2808 Continuing Methodist
2806 Cook Islander Christian Churches
2051 Cooneyites
2079 Coptic Catholic
2251 Coptic Evangelical Church
2214 Coptic Orthodox
2214 Coptic Orthodox Church
2214 Coptic, nai
2251 COS
6211 Cosmotheist
2407 CRC
2999 Creedist
2999 Croatian Church for Freedom
2407 Crusade Church
2239 Cyprus Brothers
2999 Czech Brothers
2999 Czech Moravian Brethren
2239 Czech Orthodox
2899 Czechoslovakian Church