1370.0 - Measuring Australia's Progress, 2002
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 19/06/2002
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1. Betty Hounslow left the group in early-2001. 2. The late Professor Neutze attended the first meeting. 3. Eleri Morgan-Thomas joined the group in mid-2001. OTHER PEOPLE AND ORGANISATIONS WE WOULD LIKE TO THANK A great many people and organisations gave up their time to comment on sections of the draft publication or to provide information. We would like to thank the following in particular: Agriculture, Fisheries and Forests~Australia; Mr John Ainley, Australian Council for Educational Research; Australian Greenhouse Office; Australian Institute of Criminology; Australian Institute of Health and Welfare; Dr Margi Bohm, Division of Science and Design, University of Canberra; Bureau of Resource Sciences; Prof. Bruce Chapman, Australian National University; Assoc. Prof. Rob Close, University of Western Sydney; Mr Kieran Davies, ABN AMRO Bank; Department of Education, Science and Training; Department of Employment and Workplace Relations; Department of Family and Community Services; Department of Health and Ageing; Prof. Meredith Edwards, University of Canberra; Environment Australia; Dr Tim Flannery, South Australian Museum; Dr Tony Friend; Department for Conservation and Land Management; Mr David Geering, New South Wales National Parks and Wildlife Service; Mr Andreas Glanznig, World Wide Fund for Nature~Australia; Dr Phil Gibbons, New South Wales National Parks and Wildlife Service; Dr Ian Gynther, Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service; Dr Tim Low, consultant biologist and author; Ms Janelle Lowry, Queensland Environmental Protection Agency; Prof. Mark Lyons, University of Technology, Sydney; Mr Ian McAuley, University of Canberra; Murray-Darling Basin Commission; National Land and Water Resources Audit; National Office for the Information Economy; Mr Barry Nolan, Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service; Productivity Commission; Prof. Sue Richardson, Flinders University; Department of the Treasury; Dr Don Weatherburn, New South Wales Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research; Dr John Woinarski, Parks and Wildlife Commission of the Northern Territory; Dr Judy Yates, University of Sydney. We would also like to thank the many people from the following organisations who attended seminars and/or who responded to the consultation for Measuring Australia's Progress in the autumn of 2001: Commonwealth agencies and departments: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission; Attorney General's Department, Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics; Australian Institute of Family Studies; Australian National Audit Office; Australian National Training Authority; Commonwealth Grants Commission; Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs; Department of Industry, Science and Research; Department of Transport and Regional Services; Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission; National Office of Health and Safety; Office for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health (Department of Health and Ageing); Reserve Bank of Australia. New South Wales agencies and departments: Department of Housing; Department of Land and Water Conservation; Department of Public Works and Services; Department of State and Regional Development; Department of Urban Affairs and Planning; Department for Women; Environment Protection Authority; Police Service New South Wales; Roads and Traffic Authority; Department of the Treasury. Victoria agencies and departments: Department of Education and Training; Department of Human Services; Department of Infrastructure; Department of Natural Resources and the Environment; Department of Premier and Cabinet; Department of State and Regional Development; Department of Treasury and Finance. Queensland agencies and departments: Arts Queensland; Commission of Children and Young People; Department of Emergency Services; Department of Employment and Training; Department of Housing; Department of Industrial Relations; Department of Innovation and Information Economy; Department of Justice; Department of Local Government and Planning; Department of Main Roads; Department of Natural Resources and Mines; Department of Premier and Cabinet; Department of Primary Industries; Department of Public Works; Department of Sport and Recreation; Department of State Development; Department of the Treasury; Department of Transport; Environment Protection Agency; Multicultural Affairs Queensland; Office of Economic and Statistical Research; Queensland Health; Queensland Railways. South Australia agencies and departments: Attorney-General's Department; Australian Centre for Policing Research; Division of State Aboriginal Affairs; Department for Administrative and Information Services; Department of Education, Training and Employment; Department of Environment, Heritage and Aboriginal Affairs; Department of Human Services; Department of Industry and Trade; Department of Justice; Department of Premier and Cabinet; Department of Treasury and Finance; Department of Transport, Urban Planning and the Arts; Information Economy Policy Office; Senior Secondary Assessment Board of South Australia. Western Australia agencies and departments: Aboriginal Affairs Department; Chamber of Commerce and Industry; Chamber of Minerals and Energy; Department of Commerce and Trade; Department of Conservation and Land Management; Department of Environmental Protection; Department of the Treasury; Family and Children's Services Policy Office; Health Department; Ministry of Justice; Office of Housing Policy; Office of Seniors' Interests; Ministry of Planning; Ministry of Premier and Cabinet; Office of Citizenship and Multicultural Interest; Office of Energy; Sport and Recreation; Western Australia Police Service; Women's Policy Office. Tasmania agencies and departments: Arts Tasmania; Department of Health and Human Services; Department of Premier and Cabinet; Department of Primary Industries, Water and Environment; Department of State Development; Resource Planning and Development Commission; State Library of Tasmania. Northern Territory agencies and departments: Attorney General's Department; Department of Asian Relations and Trade; Department of Lands, Planning and Environment; Key Centre for Tropical Wildlife Management; Office of Aboriginal Development; Office of Supervising Scientist; NT Tourist Commission; Department of Transport and Works; Treasury. ACT agencies and departments: Chief Minister's Department; Department of Health, Housing and Community Care; Department of Planning, Land and Management; Department of Urban Services. Local government: Adelaide City Council, South Australia; Brisbane City Council, Queensland; City of Banyule, Victoria; City of Darebin, Victoria; Delatite Shire Council, Victoria; Gleneira City Council, Victoria; Gold Coast City Council, Queensland; Palmerston City Council, Northern Territory; Sutherland Shire Council, New South Wales. Higher Education Institutions: Deakin University; Edith Cowan University; National Institute of Labour Studies - Flinders University; Griffith University; Institute of Social Research - Swinburne University; Murdoch University; Northern Territory University; South Australian Centre for Economic Studies; Institute for Sustainable Futures - Sydney University of Technology; University of Adelaide; University of Canberra; University of Melbourne; Community Services and Research Centre - University of Queensland; University of Sydney; Department of Rural Health - University of Tasmania. Other Organisations: Access Economics; Australian Conservation Foundation; Australian Council of Social Services; Australian Institute of Family Studies; BIS Shrapnel; Brotherhood of St Laurence; Chamber of Commerce (Northern Territory); Community Business Partnership; Council of Australian State Libraries; Council of Social Services of New South Wales; Futures Foundation; KPMG; Leader of the Opposition (Northern Territory); Local Government and Shires Association; Local Government Association (NT); Mission Australia; National Industry Association for Disability Services; North Sydney Health Service; New South Wales Farmers' Federation; Outlook Management - South Australia; Queensland Council of Social Services; Tasmanian Minerals Council Ltd; Tasmanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry; ThreeSixty; Victorian Local Governance Association; Western Sydney Regional Information and Research Service; Women's Electoral Lobby (South Australia).