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Agricultural Survey, Apples and Pears Australia (ABS Cat. No 7121.0.55.002) presents final estimates from the annual Apples and Pears collection. This includes information at national and state levels on apple and pear tree numbers and production levels by variety and age category. It also includes details on processing production and cool storage capacity.
The Apples and Pears collection is run on behalf of Apple and Pear Australia Limited (APAL). APAL is the main user of this information as it is the peak industry body representing the interests of commercial apple and pear growers in Australia. The data provides the basis for policy development by State and Federal government departments and by industry associations. The latter use ABS data to support research activities to improve the performance of the industry and for gaining government support for industry development.
Agricultural Survey, Apples and Pears Australia (ABS Cat. No 7121.0.55.002) is generally published within 6 months of the end of the reference period. Publishing of preliminary data ceased after the 2004-05 collection.
All known apple and pear growers are selected in the collection and data quality is being improved through advancements in coverage. Data from the 2007-08 Apples and Pears collection are based on a response rate of 93.8% which resulted in imputation rates for apples: 2.8% (trees) and 3.6% (production) and for pears: 4.7% (trees) and 5.7% (production). The resultant value estimates have been extensively edited to ensure the accuracy of the estimates produced. This included checking against earlier years and relevant other sources, and contacting data providers who had reported major changes or unusual values.
Data is collected from all establishments which grow apples or pears and have an estimated value of agricultural operations (EVAO) of $5000 or more, or who show areas of apples and/or pears on the Agricultural Commodity Survey/Census. As far as possible, consistent data item definitions are used between repeats of this survey and therefore most data are directly comparable over different collection cycles.
The Apples and Pears collection collects varietal information on the main apple and pear varieties grown and measures the industry's activity throughout Australia. Not all data from this collection are published. Some further data, including data at sub-state level, are available on application to the ABS. Detailed explanatory notes are provided with the publication to assist users in determining and specifying their data requirements and to understand the concepts underlying the data.
An extensive range of data are available from the Apples and Pears collection and a variety of other agriculture based collections.
If the information you require is not available as a standard product or service, then ABS Consultancy Services can help you with customised services to suit your needs. Inquiries should be made to either the National Information and Referral Service on 1300 135 070 or Agriculture Client Services on (03) 6222 5939.