| |  |
 | Mnemonic |  | Classification title |  |
|  |
 | BEDD |  | Number of bedrooms in private dwellings |  |
 | CPAD |  | Count of persons temporarily absent from household |  |
 | DLOD |  | Dwelling location |  |
 | DWTD |  | Dwelling type |  |
 | FUFD |  | Furnished/unfurnished |  |
 | HHTD |  | Household type |  |
 | HIDD |  | Household income derivation indicator |  |
 | HIND |  | Household income (weekly) |  |
 | HLRD |  | Housing loan repayment (monthly) |  |
 | HLRD01 |  | Housing loan repayment (monthly) |  |
 | LLDD |  | Landlord type |  |
 | MV1D |  | Household one year mobility indicator |  |
 | MV5D |  | Household five year mobility indicator |  |
 | NPDD |  | Type of non-private dwelling |  |
 | RNTD |  | Rent (weekly) |  |
 | RNTD01 |  | Rent (weekly) |  |
 | STRD |  | Dwelling structure |  |
 | TEND |  | Tenure type |  |
 | VEHD |  | Number of motor vehicles |  |
|  |
|  |
 | CDCAF |  | Count of dependent children under 15 temporarily absent |  |
 | CDSAF |  | Count of dependent students (15-24) temporarily absent |  |
 | CNDAF |  | Count of non-dependent children temporarily absent |  |
 | CPAF |  | Count of persons temporarily absent from family |  |
 | FIDF |  | Family income derivation indicator |  |
 | FINF |  | Family income (weekly) |  |
 | FMTF |  | Family type |  |
 | FNOF |  | Family number |  |
 | FRLF |  | Relationship of second or third family to primary family |  |
 | SPLF |  | Location of spouse |  |
|  |
|  |
 | ABLP |  | Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander origin |  |
 | AGEP |  | Age |  |
 | ALSP |  | Age left school |  |
 | BPFP |  | Birthplace of mother (female parent) |  |
 | BPLP |  | Birthplace of individual |  |
 | BPMP |  | Birthplace of father (male parent) |  |
 | CTPP |  | Child type |  |
 | DZNP |  | Work destination zone |  |
 | DZSP |  | Work destination study area |  |
 | ENGP |  | Proficiency in English |  |
 | ENGP01 |  | Proficiency in English/language |  |
 | GNGP |  | Industry sector |  |
 | HRSP |  | Hours worked |  |
 | IMPP |  | Imputation flag |  |
 | INCP |  | Income |  |
 | INDP |  | Industry |  |
 | LANP |  | Language spoken at home |  |
 | LFSP |  | Labour force status/Status in employment |  |
 | MDCP |  | Social marital status |  |
 | MSTP |  | Registered marital status |  |
 | NATP |  | Australian citizenship |  |
 | OCCP |  | Occupation |  |
 | POCUCP |  | Postal area of usual address census night |  |
 | QALFP |  | Post-school educational qualifications: field of study |  |
 | QALLP |  | Post-school educational qualifications: highest level |  |
 | QALYP |  | Post-school educational qualifications: year completed |  |
 | RELP |  | Religion |  |
 | RLHP |  | Relationship in household |  |
 | RLNP |  | Relationship in non-private dwelling |  |
 | RPIP |  | Family/household reference person indicator |  |
 | SEXP |  | Sex |  |
 | SLAUCP |  | SLA of usual residence census night |  |
 | SLAU1P |  | SLA of usual residence one year ago |  |
 | SLAU5P |  | SLA of usual residence five years ago |  |
 | STEUCP |  | State of usual residence census night |  |
 | STEU1P |  | State of usual residence one year ago |  |
 | STEU5P |  | State of usual residence five years ago |  |
 | STUP |  | Full/part-time student |  |
 | TISP |  | Number of children ever born |  |
 | TPTP |  | Method of travel to work |  |
 | TYPP |  | Type of educational institution attending |  |
 | UAICP |  | Usual address indicator census night |  |
 | UAI1P |  | Usual address one year ago indicator |  |
 | UAI5P |  | Usual address five year ago indicator |  |
 | YARP |  | Year of arrival in Australia |  |
 | |  |