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Kemp, A & Connell, P 2001, Impact of Land Degradation on Australian Agriculture: A Land Values Approach, ABARE report to National Land and Water Resources Audit NLWRA (National Land and Water Resources Audit):
OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) 2002, Environmental Data Compendium, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Paris Repetto, R, William, M, Christine, B & Rossini, F 1989, Wasting Assets: Natural Resources in the National Income Accounts, World Resource Institute, Washington D.C. Roberts, B 1997, 'Implications of Land Use Changes for the Economics of Agriculture', The Valuer and Land Economist, May, 1997 Water Corporation 2001, Scheme Water Consumption, Water Corporation, Western Australia Waterwise Queensland (no date), WaterWise in the Home, (information booklet), Department of Natural Resources, Queensland Personal communications Day, P 2003, South Australia Water, 12 February 2003 Web sites Please note that where the full URL for a web page is not listed, inserting the title into the 'search' function located on the home page will direct the reader to the relevant page. ActewAGL 2003, Water Data, ActewAGL, Canberra, last viewed October 2004 <> Australian National Committee on Large Dams (ANCOLD) 2001, Register of Large Dams in Australia, last viewed October 2004 <> BoM (Bureau of Meteorology):
CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation):
Department of the Environment and Heritage:
NCA (National Capital Authority) 2004, Scrivener Dam and the creation of Lake Burley Griffin, last viewed October 2004 <> Sydney Water 2001, Lets Get Water Wise, last viewed October 2004, <> UNFCCC 2004, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, last viewed October 2004, <>