Microdata and TableBuilder: Preschool Education, Australia

Detailed statistics about preschool education suitable for in-depth analyses

Accessing the data

Microdata: Preschool Education, Australia is compiled with data from the National Early Childhood Education and Care Collection (NECECC). The collection is derived from administrative data provided by state and territory and Australian Government education departments and the Catholic Education Office of the Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn. The collection date is the first Friday in August each year and has been conducted annually since 2010 and contains statistics on children enrolled in and attending a preschool program across Australia.

Statistics in this release may not be fully comparable with previous releases due to differences in coverage and methodologies. Caution should therefore be used when comparing the data over time.

Information about the collection, including Methodology and changes to data quality and comparability, are available in the Preschool Education. A description of the collection framework is in National Early Childhood Education and Care Collection: Concepts, Sources and Methods. Impacts of COVID-19 in the 2020 and 2021 collections can be found in Impacts of COVID-19 of Preschool Education

The following microdata products are available from this collection:

  • TableBuilder – produce your own tables and graphs
  • DataLab – analyse detailed microdata

The microdata products cover the following reference periods:

  • TableBuilder – Child level data for 2013 - 2023, and Episode of child level data for 2013. Episode of worker level data for 2013, 2014, 2016 and 2021.
  • DataLab – Child and Episode of child level data for 2013 - 2023. Episode of worker level data for 2016 and 2021.

Information about TableBuilder and the DataLab, and other general information to assist users in understanding and accessing microdata, are available from the Microdata Entry Page.

Compare data services to see what's right for you or Frequently asked questions.

Data and file structure

A complete list of data items for TableBuilder and the DataLab can be accessed from the Data downloads section. These contain details for each data item including the full output classification and any special codes used.

Users intending to apply for access to the DataLab should ensure the data they require, and the level of detail required, are available and applicable for the intended use. The test file would be helpful for this purpose.

Using TableBuilder

The TableBuilder provides you with information about how to create basic tables, custom groups, graphs and large tables. 


A confidentiality process called perturbation is applied to the data in TableBuilder to avoid releasing information that may lead to the identification of individuals, families, households, dwellings or businesses. See Confidentiality.

Using the DataLab

The DataLab is an interactive data analysis solution available for users to run advanced statistical analyses, for example, multiple regressions and structural equation modelling. 

The DataLab environment contains recent versions of analytical software, including R, SAS, Stata and Python. Controls in the DataLab have been put in place to protect the identification of individuals and organisations. These controls include environmental protections, data de-identification and confidentialisation, access safe guards and output clearance. All output from DataLab sessions is cleared by an ABS officer before it is released. See DataLab page for more information.

Please read the Responsible use of ABS microdata before applying for access. 

DataLab test files

A test file is available in the Data downloads section. 

The test file mimics the structure of the detailed microdata in that it has the same data items and allowed values. This allows users to become familiar with the data structure and prepare code/programs before applying for, or beginning a DataLab session.

All data in the file is false, created through a randomisation process, therefore it cannot be used for analysis.

Data downloads

Data files


History of changes

Previous catalogue number

This release previously used catalogue number 4240.0.55.003.