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The scope of the collection included all businesses operating in the Australian economy during 2010–11, except for:
Although the period covered by the estimates was, in general, the twelve months ended 30 June, some businesses were unable to supply information on this basis. In such cases an accounting period for which data could be provided was used for data other than employment. Businesses with off-June reporting periods made a substantial contribution to some of the estimates, for example, the Mining division of ANZSIC. In addition, estimates of financial data in some industries, such as Mining and Manufacturing, are heavily impacted by fluctuating commodity prices. As a result, the estimates can reflect trading conditions that prevailed in periods outside the twelve months ended 30 June of the relevant year. The collection was designed primarily to deliver national estimates for all in-scope industry divisions. TIMELINESS The collection is conducted on an irregular basis with estimates generally available within twelve months of the reference period to which they relate. For the 2010–11 reference period, questionnaires were despatched by ABS in August 2011. The estimates are scheduled for release in June 2012, twelve months after the end of the reference period. ACCURACY
Non-sampling error arises from inaccuracies in collecting, recording and processing the data. Every effort was made to minimise reporting error, by the careful design of questionnaires, intensive training of survey analysts, and efficient data processing procedures. Non-sampling error also occurs when information cannot be obtained from all businesses selected in the survey. For the 2010–11 Transport survey, there was an 84.7% response rate from all businesses across the economy that were surveyed and found to be operating during the reference period. Data were imputed for the remaining 15.3% of operating businesses. The response rate for businesses surveyed and found to be operating within the Transport, Postal and Warehousing division was 87.5%. Data were imputed for the remaining 12.5% of these operating businesses. This imputation contributed 6.9% to the estimate for Income from transport services for the Transport, Postal and Warehousing division. COHERENCE A data cube presenting transport related economic and financial activity was released as part of Australian Industry, 2009–10 (cat.no. 8155.0) in July 2011. Whilst the tables presented in Business Transport Activity, Australia, 2010–11 are in many ways comparable to the tables presented in this earlier publication, time series comparisons of transport activity based on the data presented in these two publications should be undertaken with some caution. The transport collection conducted as part of the 2009–10 EAS was introduced as an indicator in preparation for the running of the 2010–11 survey. As such a number of improvements were introduced for the 2010–11 collection with regards to question wording, sample design and conceptual definitions. Although the aim of these changes is to increase data quality, in some cases they have the effect of distorting apparent movements between data items published in both years. With this in mind the 2010–11 publication tables do not include 2009–10 data. When differences are considered significant, footnotes have been added to the tables detailing includes or excludes that have changed between years. Please see the Glossary for full definitions of all published data items. INTERPRETABILITY Estimates released in Business Transport Activity, Australia, 2010–11 are available as original series only, and are neither seasonally nor trend adjusted. Although financial estimates in this release relate to the full twelve months, employment estimates relate to the last pay period ending in June of the given year. Further information about terminology and other technical aspects associated with these statistics can be found in the publication Business Transport Activity, Australia, 2010-11 (cat. no. 9269.0), which contains detailed Explanatory Notes, a Technical Note on Estimation methodology, a Technical Note on Data quality and a Glossary. ACCESSIBILITY Data in Business Transport Activity, Australia, 2010–11 are available in the following formats available free of charge on the ABS website:
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