Construction activity is carried out by both private and public sectors. Over the past ten years, public sector construction has remained relatively constant, maintaining an annual value of work done of around $15,000m (graph 19.4). Private sector construction on the other hand has been more volatile. Private sector construction experienced a sharp decline in 2000-01 after the introduction of The New Tax System in July 2000. It exceeded 1999-2000 levels for the first time in 2002-03, and in 2003-04 increased by 9% to $61,144m.

Construction industry activity occurs in the three broad areas of activity - residential building, non-residential building, and engineering construction. The pattern of construction activity by area of activity has changed substantially over time (graph 19.5). Before 1991-92 the value of non-residential building activity was greater than engineering construction activity. However, since 1991-92, engineering construction activity has consistently exceeded non-residential building activity.
Graph 19.5 also shows the acceleration in residential building activity to record levels prior to the introduction of The New Tax System in July 2000 followed by a substantial downturn in 2000-01. Residential building and engineering construction surpassed 1999-2000 levels for the first time in 2002-03, with non-residential building surpassing these levels in 2003-04.
Table 19.6 shows in 2003-04 residential building accounted for 44% of the value of total construction work done, engineering construction accounted for 35% and non-residential building accounted for 21%. In 2003-04 the value of total construction work done increased by 5% to $76,308m. Each of the three areas of activity exhibited an increase, with engineering construction recording the largest increase of 6.5%.
19.6 VALUE OF CONSTRUCTION WORK DONE(a), By type of activity
 | Residential building | Non-residential building | Engineering construction | Total construction(b) |
 | $m | $m | $m | $m |
1997-98 | 24,197 | 15,229 | 19,485 | 59,009 |
1998-99 | 26,219 | 15,980 | 21,459 | 63,759 |
1999-2000 | 30,596 | 15,590 | 21,571 | 67,515 |
2000-01 | 22,428 | 12,900 | 19,009 | 54,358 |
2001-02 | 27,480 | 13,582 | 20,610 | 61,670 |
2002-03 | 31,987 | 15,098 | 24,730 | 71,814 |
2003-04 | 33,951 | 16,031 | 26,326 | 76,308 |
(a) Chain volume measures, reference year is 2002-03.
(b) Chain volume measures for years other than 2002-03 and 2003-04 are not additive.
Source: Construction Work Done, Australia, Preliminary (8755.0). |