1301.0 - Year Book Australia, 2005
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 21/01/2005
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Other publications Australian Crime Commission, Annual Report, 2002-03 Australian Federal Police, Annual Report, 2002-03 National Crime Authority, Annual Report, 2002-03 Steering Committee for the Review of Commonwealth/State Service Provision, Report on Government Services 2004, Productivity Commission, available from the Productivity Commission's web site, last viewed October 2004 <http://www.pc.gov.au/gsp/reports/rogs/2004> Web sites Australian sites Australian Crime Commission, last viewed October 2004 <http://www.crimecommission.gov.au> responsible for criminal intelligence collections and analysis, setting national criminal intelligence priorities, conducting intelligence led investigations of criminal activity of national significance, and the exercise of coercive powers to assist intelligence operations and investigations. Australian Federal Police, last viewed October 2004 <http://www.afp.gov.au> principle law enforcement agency through which the Australian Government pursues its law enforcement interests. Australian Institute of Criminology, last viewed October 2004 <http://www.aic.gov.au> has a national focus for the study of crime and criminal justice in Australia and the dissemination of criminal justice information. The Institute draws on information supplied to it by a wide variety of sources. Australian Law Online, last viewed October 2004 <http://www.law.gov.au> gives all Australians access to Government legal information and services available nationwide. National Crime Prevention, last viewed October 2004 <http://www.ncp.gov.au> formerly known as the National Campaign Against Violence and Crime, it was launched in 1997 by the Prime Minister, with the aim of preventing violence and crime and reducing fear of violence and crime in the community. NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research, last viewed October 2004 <http://www.bocsar.nsw.gov.au/> the statistical and research agency within the NSW Attorney General's Department. Conducts statistical monitoring, research and evaluation and provides comprehensive statistical information on crime and criminal justice in NSW. Office of Crime Statistics at the SA Attorney General's Department, last viewed October 2004 <http://www.ocsar.sa.gov.au> conducts statistical monitoring, research and evaluation and provides comprehensive statistical information on crime and criminal justice in South Australia. Productivity Commission, last viewed October 2004 <http://www.pc.gov.au> examines the performance of government in Australia in the service areas of education, health, justice, emergency management, and community services and housing. Involves all governments. University of Melbourne, Criminology Department, last viewed October 2004 <http://www.criminology.unimelb.edu.au> The first school of criminology in Australia. Provides information on current research, and links to criminology and related resources. University of Western Australia, Crime Research Centre, last viewed October 2004 <http://www.crc.law.uwa.edu.au/> coordinates and publishes comprehensive statistics on crime and justice for Western Australia. Also conducts research into various aspects of crime and criminal justice. International sites Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics at Statistics Canada, last viewed October 2004 <http://www.statcan.ca> Canada's national statistics agency. Provides statistics about Canada's population, resources, economy, society and culture. The Centre for Justice Statistics includes extensive statistics and research papers on crime and justice. Department of Justice Canada, last viewed October 2004 <http://www.canada.justice.gc.ca/en/index.html> provides information on Canada's Department of Justice, including government reports and information on Canadian law. Home Office, United Kingdom, last viewed October 2004 <http://www.homeoffice.gov.uk/rds> Government Department responsible for internal affairs in England and Wales. Crime and policing information includes policies on crime reduction and prevention as well as specific crime and justice statistics. International Victimology, last viewed October 2004 <http://www.victimology.nl> launched in 1999 as a resource for improving justice for victims of crime and abuse of power. Features two databases: Victimology Research (victimology research in progress), and Victimisation Prevention (promising international practices). NZ Ministry of Justice, last viewed October 2004 <http://www.justice.govt.nz> provides strategic and policy information on issues across the justice sector, including its criminal, civil and constitutional elements. United Nations Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention, last viewed October 2004 <http://www.odccp.org> provides information on the UN crime program including terrorism, corruption, organised crime, trafficking in human beings, trafficking in drugs and the UNCJIN. Analysis and statistics are also available. US Bureau of Justice Statistics, last viewed October 2004 <http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/> provides statistics on crime and victims, criminal offenders, law enforcement, prosecution, Federal justice system, courts and sentencing, corrections, the criminal records system and special topics (including drugs, firearms, homicide trends, re-entry trends and international statistics). US Department of Justice, last viewed October 2004 <http://www.usdoj.gov> brings together information on the law, prevention and controlling crime and justice issues. Information includes civil rights and liberties violations, disabilities, dispute resolution, domestic violence, faith based and community initiatives, fraud, immigration information, prison and parole information, trafficking in persons, youth violence and victims of crime. US National Institute of Justice, last viewed October 2004 <http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/> the research, development and evaluation agency of the US Justice Department. US Office of Justice Programs, last viewed October 2004 <http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/> provides funding, training, programs, statistics and research about the justice system, fighting crime, crime victims, as well as special topics (e.g. firearms and crime, advancing justice through DNA technology).