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DATA DISSEMINATION POSSIBILITIES There are a number of alternative dissemination options. The final dissemination strategy that is chosen may combine more than one of the components described below. For example, updates of indicators could be produced each quarter, six months or year, supplemented with occasional releases on particular aspects of the framework. The ABS would be interested in user views on possible approaches. Compendium publications One way to present measures of the KBE/S is in a compendium of statistical indicators. This approach has to date been attempted by the OECD as a whole (OECD 2001d) and by a small number of OECD countries, including the United Kingdom and the USA (Department of Trade and Industry 1999, Massachusetts Technology Collaborative 1999). Godin (1996) concluded that "if science and technology indicators were brought together in a single document, this would serve to give the indicators greater visibility and ensure better use was made of them by those concerned." A compendium could take many forms. For instance, it could be a smaller work consisting of a subset of indicators and little commentary or it could be a more significant body of work, with a larger set of indicators and accompanied by commentary and analysis, such as that produced by the Australian Department of Industry, Tourism and Resources (2002). The first approach has the advantage that it could be produced more frequently (possibly even quarterly) and would be relatively timely. The second approach would be less frequent and timely, but contain more information. Such a publication could be released by the ABS only occasionally, if at all. Thematic publications Separate publications could be produced for dimensions or sets of characteristics within the framework. This would allow a more extensive treatment of those components of the framework than a compendium approach. Given that such releases would not cover the whole framework, it is likely that this approach would be used in conjunction with a regular compendium release of some kind. Means of release Information may be released as hardcopy publications or as electronic releases on the ABS Website. There are advantages and disadvantages of each. RELATED ABS WORK Measuring Australia's Progress The ABS published the first edition of Measuring Australia's Progress (Cat. no. 1370.0) in April 2002 . Measuring Australia's Progress (MAP) presents a set of indicators depicting economic, social and environmental aspects of national progress (including the importance of knowledge and innovation to progress). The first issue of MAP is described as 'experimental' and the ABS will be undertaking consultation with users on the publication. It is expected that MAP will be updated periodically. For more information, contact Jon Hall (Analysis Branch, email ICT and firm level performance The ABS is collaborating with the Productivity Commission and the Department of Industry, Tourism and Resources on a project to systematically analyse the relationship in Australia between the use of ICTs and performance at the firm level. The project is part of an international effort being coordinated by the OECD. A report from the OECD work is expected in early 2003. For further information, contact Graeme Brown (New Economy National Statistics Centre, Science and technology statistics The ABS makes available a range of data in the following areas:
For more information, contact Graeme Brown (New Economy National Statistics Centre, email ( ICT satellite account The ABS is currently scoping an ICT satellite account. Such an account would provide consistent monetary information on both the demand and supply of ICT within the context of a 'whole of economy' supply use framework. This would allow better measurement of the impact of ICT on the economy. For more information, contact Peter Comisari (National Accounts National Statistics Centre, email Social statistics frameworks ABS released the first edition of Measuring Wellbeing: Frameworks for Australian Social Statistics (Cat. no. 4160.0) in October 2001. This publication presents a system of social statistics and discusses conceptual frameworks for each of the nine main areas of concern which comprise ABS social statistics. Education and training statistics An Information Paper Measuring learning in Australia: A framework for education and training statistics is due for release in September 2002. For more information, contact Jenny Dean (National Centre for Education and Training Statistics, email Education and Training Indicators, Australia (Cat. no. 4230.0) is a new publication due for release in late November 2002. It will present summary statistics and commentary covering the spectrum of education and training activities in Australia. A wide range of both ABS and non-ABS statistics are used, including data from the National Centre for Vocational Education Research and the Department of Education, Science and Training, covering schools, higher education and vocational education and training. Many of the indicators listed under the human capital and context dimensions in this discussion paper will be included within the Education and Training Indicators publication. For more information, contact Kirsty Leslie (National Centre for Education and Training Statistics, email Social capital ABS work on social capital includes:
For more information, contact Joanne Hillermann (Family and Community Statistics Section, email