35. The most detailed categories of the ANZSCC (five, seven or nine digit) are determined by a combination of factors. User requirements are a prime factor, but any proposal for a commodity is subject to the requirement that the commodity align with, at least, the Group (3 digit) level of the CPC. This is the minimum requirement. Where possible, items should align with the CPC at the most detailed level.
36. This is less easy to achieve in those areas of the economy which have been subject to commodity statistical collections for many years, since their existing commodities have been defined largely outside the emerging international standards. However, the opportunity will be taken, as these collections are revised, to examine the appropriateness of the existing commodity definitions. For those areas of the economy where statistical collections seeking commodity information are relatively recent (e.g. service industries), compatibility with the CPC to the most detailed level will be sought. This will not preclude commodities being defined which are more detailed than the most detailed level of the CPC.
37. Apart from these considerations, other factors also play a part in the decision whether or not to include a potential commodity in the classification. These relate to data availability, collection cost (to data providers and the ABS) and confidentiality.